Skin xerosis: causes, treatment and prevention. How to get rid of flaking and dry skin - xerosis? Choosing moisturizers and skin care

Good day, dear readers!

In this article we will look at you - xerosis of the skin (dry skin), as well as its causes, symptoms, types, treatment and prevention. So…

What is skin xerosis?

Xerosis, aka xeroderma– a symptom, the main signs of which are severe dryness of the skin, its roughness, and sometimes the presence of pityriasis-like scales on the skin.

The main reason for dry skin lies in the disruption of the sebaceous glands (hypofunction). The lack or absence of production of sebum (fat), which is actually the protective layer of the skin from the aggressive external environment, and also which maintains the water balance of the skin, leads to drying out of the skin and its vulnerability to various. If there is a lack of sebum in the required amount, the skin not only dries out, it also tightens, peels, and wrinkles.

It has been noticed that if a person has dry and very dry skin, wrinkles appear much earlier, when other signs of aging are not even visible. Of course, not the last factor that leads to premature skin wrinkles is sun rays, which additionally dry out the skin.

Xerosis - ICD

ICD-10: L85.3.

Causes of skin xerosis

Xerosis can have two main etiologies - congenital (atopic xerosis) or acquired.

If we talk about xerosis, which manifests itself in infants during the first months of life, then it can be a symptom of a mild form of ichthyosis. If we talk about acquired xerosis of the skin, then various unfavorable factors (reasons) can contribute to this.

Of course, by the cause of xerosis it is fair to designate the cause of hypofunction of the sebaceous glands, which leads to insufficient production of sebum by them, which is manifested by dry skin. Let's look at them.

Causes of xerosis (dry skin):

  • Features of the skin – thin skin;
  • deficiency of vitamins (), especially vitamin A, in the body;
  • exposure of the skin to direct sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), incl. visiting a solarium, as well as cold, wind, rain, snow, frost;
  • frequent bathing in hot water, daily hot showers;
  • use of soap with surfactants (surfactants) for washing the body;
  • use of household cleaners and detergents without protective equipment (gloves);
  • use of alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • hormonal changes in the body, age-related changes;
  • long-term use of hormonal agents - systemic and external glucocorticoid drugs;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • violations of the daily routine - work/rest/sleep;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, skin, gastrointestinal tract: follicular keratosis, gastroduodenitis, .

The main symptoms of xerosis (xeroderma) are:

  • severe dryness, tightness and irritation of the skin;
  • the presence of easily detachable scales on the skin, roughness;
  • the appearance of cracks in the skin, especially in places of bends/folds - fingers, elbows, knees;
  • coarsening of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • almost invisible pores;
  • the presence of wrinkles at an early age;
  • a feeling of itching of the skin, sometimes severe, as well as a burning sensation.

Exacerbation of symptoms often occurs after skin contact with cold, water, and soap.

Development of xerosis

The development of xerosis (xeroderma) occurs during 3 stages.

Xerosis 1st degree. Structural changes and wrinkles on the skin are not visible. After skin contact with an unfavorable environment or substances harmful to it, some burning, itching occurs, the skin becomes dry and tightens. Symptoms disappear after treating the skin with a moisturizer.

Xerosis 2 degrees. The structure of the skin is disrupted; in addition to dryness and tightness, peeling, red itchy spots, and wrinkles appear. Symptoms cannot be completely relieved by moisturizing cream alone.

Xerosis 3 degrees. Clear signs of xeroderma appeared on the skin - dryness, tightness, scaly scales, red spots, itching, cracks and wrinkles, especially in the folds. Sometimes swelling appears on the skin. The skin becomes thinner. Frequent skin diseases appear - eczema, dermatitis, infection -. Premature aging of the skin occurs. At this stage, serious complex treatment is necessary.

Types of skin xerosis

Acquired xerosis. The cause of the disease is various external or internal pathological factors and improper skin care.

Senile xerosis. Dryness and deterioration of skin quality due to the natural processes of human aging.

Atopic xerosis. It appears in children as a hereditary factor.

Diagnosis of xerosis

Diagnosis of skin xerosis includes the following examination methods:

  • Visual examination of the patient;
  • Taking anamnesis;

Treatment of dry skin (xeroderma) includes the following therapy points:

1. Eliminating the root cause of dry skin;
2. Nourish and moisturize the skin;
3. Local treatment of dry skin areas;
4. Diet;
5. Compliance with preventive measures to prevent dry skin.

Addressing the root cause of dry skin

Treatment of skin xerosis is carried out based on the diagnosis of a dermatologist, who must determine the cause of this pathology.

If the cause of xeroderma lies in diseases of the endocrine, nervous, immune, gastrointestinal tract and other systems, then therapy is aimed at their treatment, and with the right actions, after getting rid of those diseases, the functioning of the sebaceous glands will be restored automatically.

Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Skin care

Due to the fact that dry skin means there is no protective layer on it, the skin needs to be moisturized and nourished. This must be done to prevent pathogenic microflora, for example staphylococcus, and other bacteria from entering the body, or the skin layer itself, through micro-traumas of the epidermis. If this is not done, then a secondary infection with its own complications may join the dryness.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin also gives the skin elasticity, which helps prevent the appearance of cracks, stretch marks, and wrinkles on the skin. Moisturizing also relieves itchy skin.

However, remember that you cannot moisturize your skin with many cheap moisturizers, because... they draw out the remaining moisture from already dry skin. It is best to moisturize the skin with products containing substances such as: vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, almond), animal fat (bear, greyhound), vitamins, etc.

The best way to moisturize your skin is to drink plenty of liquid – up to 3-4 liters per day. Lemonades should not predominate in drinking 😉

For your washing, use products without surfactants (surfactants), which disrupt normal sebum secretion, remove the protective film from the skin, thereby increasing dryness of the skin.

Shower gels with a skin moisturizing effect, which contain various oils, incl. ethereal. There is also soap with a moisturizing effect. Yes, these products are usually more expensive, but your health is worth it.

An air humidifier also has a beneficial effect on the skin, especially in winter, when the air in residential areas becomes dry due to heating.

Local treatment of xeroderma

To relieve itchy skin, you can take an antihistamine: "", Claritin", "Diprazine".

To relieve itching locally, you can apply a bandage soaked in novocaine to the itchy skin.

For severe itching, you can apply a bandage of weak hormonal ointment - 1% hydrocortisone.

In case of microcracks, in order to prevent infection from entering the body, it is advisable to disinfect the skin by treating it with ointments and creams based on tar and naphthalan.

In case of microbial damage to the skin: if various crusts of a greenish-yellow hue begin to form on the skin, these areas can be treated with lotions of antimicrobial agents: 0.25-0.5% silver nitrate, “Brilliantgrun”, “Rivanol”, 0.5 -1% “Resorcinol”, copper sulfate solution. But at the first such symptoms, immediately go!

To remove the top layer of scaly epidermis, keratolytic therapy is performed, which is based on treating the skin with creams and ointments with components such as salicylic or lactic acid, urea. These creams soften the skin, remove sebaceous plugs and dead scales, and help normalize the breathing of the epidermis.

Diet for xeroderma

Diet is an integral part of the treatment of many diseases. This is due to the quality of modern food. The fact is that from year to year, less and less healthy food is sold on store shelves. More and more food products are inventions of the chemical industry, artificial products from greenhouses, etc. This food does not contain the necessary substances that, if sufficiently supplied to the body, contribute to normal growth, development and human health. Thus, often, diet alone is able to concentrate the body on any failures that have occurred in it, and solve them on its own.

A diet for xeroderma implies the exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, fast food, alcoholic beverages, various store-bought chips, crackers, etc.

What can you eat with xeroderma: firstly, drink more fluid, up to 3-4 l/day, secondly, eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements - raw vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, cereals, fish.

It is worth noting that the least loss of vitamins and other useful substances in food occurs when steaming, so a steamer is an integral household appliance recommended by many nutritionists.

For dry skin, special emphasis should be placed on additional oral intake of vitamins and. are also shown because most of them, if not all, directly affect the normalization of the cardiovascular system. It is no secret that it leaves in the human body, especially in blood vessels, remnants of “bad cholesterol”, which over the years disrupts normal blood circulation in many organs, clogging blood vessels, especially disturbances appear in blood vessels with a small lumen (veins, capillaries). B vitamins help cleanse and quickly remove “bad” cholesterol from blood vessels, blood nourishes all human organs and systems, normal metabolism occurs, and the body begins to function with maximum efficiency.

Additional treatment for dry skin

Beneficial to the surface of the skin, i.e. When treating dry skin (xeroderma), the following procedures are used:

  • ozone therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • skin treatment with microcurrents (darsonvalization).

Prevention of xeroderma (dry skin)

  • For skin care, use detergents without surfactants;
  • Swim in warm water, not hot;
  • When using household chemicals, use protective gloves;
  • Try to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, fortified foods and;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Move more;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight in summer, during daytime active sun;
  • Video about dry skin

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Usuallydry skin (xerosis) does not indicate serious problems, but can cause discomfort and sometimes leads to unpleasant complications.

Fortunately, most cases of xerosis are caused by external factors that are easy to control.

Separately, ichthyosis is a disease associated with extreme dry skin, which disfigures the patient and causes him physical and emotional suffering.

Chronic and severe skin problems are a reason to consult a dermatologist.

Causes of dry skin

The main causes of xerosis include the influence of various environmental factors, as well as diseases that disrupt the functions of the skin.

Possible reasons include:

1. Climatic conditions. The skin becomes dry in winter when the temperature and humidity drop. Winter conditions contribute to the worsening of existing skin problems.

2. Central heating and air conditioning. Fireplaces, central heating, and air conditioners without humidification can cause dry skin.

3. Hot bath or shower. Frequently taking a hot bath, especially if a person likes to splash around in the water for a long time, can destroy the lipid barrier of the skin. It is also not recommended to swim in heavily chlorinated pools.

4. Harsh soaps and shower products. Many popular products contain aggressive surfactants (surfactants). These surfactants simply wash away the protective lipid membrane of the skin, causing dryness.

5. Sun rays. Like heat, the sun's rays dry out the skin. UV rays penetrate the epidermis, affecting the deep layer of skin - the dermis. They destroy collagen and elastin, leading to so-called solar elastosis.

6. Atopic dermatitis. This is one of the most common types of eczema and most often affects dry and sensitive skin.

7. Psoriasis. This skin disease is characterized by the rapid growth of rough, dry, dead skin scales, as well as itchy skin.

8. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism - insufficient thyroid function - reduces the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which leads to dry skin.

Risk factors for dry skin

Dry skin can develop in any person, but the following groups are most susceptible to xerosis:

1. Elderly people.
2. Residents of countries with dry and cold climates.
3. People who like to take hot showers or baths often.

Symptoms of xerosis

Most often, dry skin is a temporary problem that only bothers you during a certain season, but it can last a lifetime.

Symptoms of xerosis depend on your general health, age, where you live, and how much time you spend outdoors.

Possible symptoms include:

1. A feeling of tightness of the skin, especially after a bath.
2. Skin is wrinkled and dehydrated.
3. Skin looks rough instead of smooth.
4. The itching is bothersome, sometimes very intense.
5. Peeling of the skin - from slight to severe.
6. Skin cracks, sometimes bleeding and painful.
7. Redness of the skin, usually in limited areas.

1. The condition does not improve despite home measures.
2. Dry skin is accompanied by severe redness.
3. Dryness and itching interfere with normal sleep.
4. Ulcers and infected wounds form due to scratching.
5. The skin peels off in large areas.

Diagnosis of the causes of dry skin

Dry skin can accompany a number of skin and internal diseases, so your doctor will need to run some tests to make an accurate diagnosis. To determine some skin problems, sometimes a careful examination is enough, and to determine, say, thyroid deficiency, you need to analyze the level of thyroid hormones.

A list of skin conditions associated with xerosis includes:

1. Follicular keratosis. This condition causes small, acne-like pimples on the arms, legs and buttocks. Numerous pimples give the skin a rough, sandpaper-like appearance. Pimples are usually flesh-colored, but can also be red and inflamed.

2. Ichthyosis. In this unpleasant disease, skin cells form thick, dry scales that look like fish scales. The scales are small, multifaceted, from white to brown. Ichthyosis can cause deep, painful cracks in the palms and soles of the feet.

3. Xreotic eczema. This disease causes dry skin and numerous cracks in the skin. This characteristic skin appearance is described by some people as “dry riverbed” or “cracked porcelain”. The skin is inflamed, itchy and bleeding.

4. Psoriasis. The disease manifests itself as dry, flaking and itchy skin. The skin in the affected areas is reddish and covered with scales resembling dandruff. In severe cases, the disease may be complicated by infection.

In most cases, dry skin can be treated with simple home remedies such as moisturizing after showering. For peeling skin, your doctor may recommend special creams that contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, or a combination of lactic acid and urea.

For more serious problems, such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, ointments and creams containing corticosteroids (Celestoderm B, Elokom, Advantan) can be used. If an infection occurs due to constant scratching or poor hygiene, the doctor may prescribe combination products that also contain antibiotics (Celestoderm B with Garamycin, Triderm).

If you are prone to dryness, it is not always possible to achieve flawless skin.

However, use these tips:

1. Moisturize your skin. There are many products that form a protective film that protects the skin from moisture loss. The simplest and most effective option is baby oil.

2. Limit hot baths and showers. Such procedures should last no more than 15 minutes, and the water should be used warm, not hot.

3. Avoid harsh soaps that dry out your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you cannot skimp on good soaps and shower gels. Use a gentle, oil-infused soap such as Neutrogena or Dove.

4. Use moisturizers immediately after swimming. After your bath, pat your skin gently with a towel to keep your body slightly damp. Immediately afterwards, apply baby oil or another moisturizer to your body.

5. Use a humidifier. If the cause of dry skin is dry air in the house, do not skimp on a humidifier (humidifier), at least a portable one for your room. Maintain your device regularly to prevent the humidifier from becoming a source of bacteria or fungi.

6. Choose appropriate clothing. Natural fibers such as silk and cotton allow your skin to breathe. Avoid fabrics with cheap dyes. When washing, do not use fragrances or other chemicals that may irritate the skin.

For itching and inflammation of the skin, American experts recommend limited use of a cream or ointment containing at least 1% hydrocortisone. This is a medium-strength corticosteroid hormone that copes well with inflammation, itching, and allergic reactions.

In the United States, this drug is available without a prescription, but in most countries of the former USSR, hydrocortisone is prescribed by a doctor.

Before using such drugs, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist.

Possible complications of xerosis

For some people prone to eczema, dry skin can cause the following complications:

1. Atopic dermatitis.
2. Folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles).
3. Cellulitis (bacterial infection of the subcutaneous tissue).

These complications usually occur in cases where the skin's protective mechanism is impaired. For example, severe dryness of the skin causes cracks, and they open the gates for

Skin xerosis- This is an abnormal dryness of the skin caused by hyposecretion of the sebaceous glands, which, as a rule, is the cause of quite severe itching, and sometimes some infectious skin diseases. In some cases, xerosis is called the initial stage of development of ichthyosis, but most often increased dryness of the skin is a sign of certain skin diseases and a symptom of the negative influence of various external factors on the skin (typical for people with fair skin).

Xerosis has the following characteristic signs: roughness and dryness of the skin, peeling, inelasticity of the affected areas, which are prone to cracking. Visually, the skin looks rough, often covered with red spots, and the pores are practically invisible. Often xerosis accompanies such an unpleasant manifestation as. In this case, the causes of the observed itching are various chemicals, viruses, bacteria, which easily penetrate the inner layers of the skin through the damaged epidermis. In most cases, xerosis is localized in places of tension and/or friction: fingers, knees, elbows.

Causes of xerosis of the skin

Xerosis is the main symptomatic manifestation of most dermatological diseases: it is observed in almost all patients diagnosed with; congenital is observed in patients with irritant eczema of the hands, follicular keratosis, etc.

In addition, the catalyst for the development of xerosis can be improper care of the skin, exposure to various chemical agents due to their frequent use (low-quality shower gel, soap, dishwashing detergents, etc.). Often, various environmental features lead to the development of xerosis: strong wind, humidity and air temperature.

In addition, the following predisposing factors and manifestations can lead to the development of xerosis:

Long-term use of systemic and external glucocorticoid drugs

Diseases of various systems and organs: chronic renal failure, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, hypovitaminosis, hematological and oncological diseases, intestinal malabsorption, etc.

Eating and sleep disorders, jet lag

Various aggressive environmental irritants (aeropollutants, tobacco smoke, etc.)

The leading mechanism for the development of xerosis is a decrease in the barrier function of the epidermis due to the failure of the lipids of the stratum corneum, which leads to increased transepidermal moisture loss.

Skin xerosis symptoms

According to its course, this disease is divided into stages characterized by morphofunctional changes.

The first stage of skin xerosis is characterized by functional disorders directly related to the protective properties of the skin. There are sensations of tightness and dryness, which, however, are not painful and constant, and are quite easily compensated by the application of moisturizing creams. In most cases, a feeling of tightness occurs during facial movements, while the texture of the skin remains unchanged and there is no pronounced wrinkling. In some cases, itching and increased sensitivity may be observed in the form of a peculiar response to aggressive external influences (wind, salt water, etc.). There are no significant morphological changes.

The second stage of xerosis is characterized by the development of hyperkeratosis against the background of exfoliation. At this stage, the feeling of tightness and dryness becomes permanent and is no longer associated with facial activity. These manifestations no longer completely disappear even after applying softening and moisturizing creams. Slight superficial wrinkling begins to form on the skin, and fine-plate peeling becomes visible. Increased sensitivity of the skin to previously harmless, non-aggressive factors (conditioned air, water, etc.) develops; redness, etc., periodically begins to occur. Increased sensitivity of the skin is directly related to the partial loss of barrier properties. The picture of morphological changes reflects hyperkeratosis, disruption of the integrity of the stratum corneum, and thinning of the Malpighian layer.

The third stage of xerosis is characterized by hypotrophy of the dermis, peeling of the skin becomes pityriasis-like (large-lamellar). Wrinkling deepens even more, this is especially noticeable in areas of constant facial activity (above the bridge of the nose, in the corners of the eyes, etc.). Deformation of the skin relief already affects the dermal layer. Dryness can no longer be compensated for by moisturizing creams. The skin looks stretched, becomes inelastic, hard, rough to the touch, cracks very easily with the subsequent formation of pityriasis scales in these places. There is increased sensitivity accompanied by itching, inflammatory reactions and diffuse inflammation. The picture of morphological changes includes a decrease in blood flow to the papillary dermis, thinning of the dermis and epidermis, cracks in the stratum corneum, etc.

The fourth stage of xerosis is characterized by atrophy of the dermis and epidermis. Pronounced trophic changes in the skin are observed, sometimes leading to the formation of trophic ulcers. The histological and clinical pictures are similar to those observed during the natural aging process.

Skin xerosis in children in its symptoms and causes of development is no different from that in adults.

Xerosis treatment

Treatment of skin xerosis directly depends on the causes that caused it and is primarily aimed at eliminating them. Due to the fact that xerosis is a systemic process, the following general recommendations should be adhered to: taking a balanced diet enriched with vegetables and fruits, adequate drinking regimen, stopping alcohol intake, quitting smoking, avoiding prolonged exposure to the open sun, using special emollient hygiene products, regular physical exercise.

In addition to following the general recommendations described above, which are relevant for almost all skin diseases that are accompanied by xerosis, external therapy is of decisive importance. However, one crucial condition must be met - all emollients and moisturizers applied to dry skin must be similar in composition to the physiological lipids of healthy skin.

In addition, moisturizing and emollient medicinal products must fully meet the following criteria: hypoallergenic, excellent tolerability, high degree of safety, appropriate age group. The effectiveness of moisturizing emollients directly depends on the pH of the skin and the dosage. Of particular importance is the use of emollient moisturizers in combination with anti-inflammatory (local) drugs when xerosis has developed against the background of atopic dermatitis. It is the complex treatment of xerosis that significantly reduces all symptomatic manifestations of this disease. Also, such treatment is more effective than common monotherapy with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Each medication is selected individually by a dermatologist, so in order to avoid self-medication, we will not give the names of the drugs, but below we will describe the basic rules for caring for problem skin, because the prescribed anti-inflammatory drug should be applied only after certain procedures have been carried out.

Rules for caring for atopic skin:

Daily thorough cleansing of the skin using a special cream through a shower (without soap)

Immediately after getting your skin wet after a shower, you should apply a moisturizer prescribed by your doctor, depending on the current condition of the skin. To moisturize the skin, hydrating creams are usually used. Moisturizing the areas of folds and limbs is carried out using lipid-enriched ointments. For atopic dermatitis, emulsions and/or creams are applied in the acute stage, and lipid-enriched ointments are applied in the remission stage

Xerosis prevention

For successful treatment and prevention of relapses of xerosis, a number of preventive measures must be followed. All people who periodically experience signs of dry skin should adhere to the following rules:

Quality sleep. Healthy and adequate sleep perfectly promotes the regeneration of skin cells

Maintaining adequate water regime. To maintain skin hydration and maintain water balance, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Active lifestyle and sports. A light superficial massage and moderate physical activity significantly improve blood circulation, as a result of which the skin cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen.

Quitting drinking and smoking

Elimination of large temperature changes, hypothermia or overheating

A diet with reduced consumption or complete exclusion of caffeine-containing foods, sugar, and fried foods. On the contrary, increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Many people believe that dry skin is a temporary pathology that should not be treated, that over time the epidermis will recover on its own - but this is a wrong opinion! Abnormally dry skin can cause various infections, diseases and premature aging. All you need to know to eliminate xerosis is the causes of its occurrence and treatment methods.

Xerosis is the medical definition of dry skin, which can cause infections, diseases, and aging. The symptoms of xerosis are quite familiar to most people - severe dryness and roughness of the epidermis, often accompanied by flaky skin that looks like tiny scales. All symptoms are accompanied by uncontrollable itching and discomfort for any person. Xerosis can be caused not only by external factors, but also be the first symptom of the most serious diseases.


Dermatologists believe that if dry skin appears at a young age, it is a hereditary factor. But if problems appear over the years, this is caused by various reasons:

  1. Cold or hot climate conditions. When cold weather sets in, during the winter season, the moisture content of the air decreases, and many people experience dry skin. In hot weather, the sun's rays destroy elastin, collagen and reduce air humidity.
  2. Household appliances such as air conditioners, fireplaces, heaters.
  3. Long-term hot baths and showers are one of the causes of dryness. This is also facilitated by prolonged swimming in chlorinated water, for example, in a swimming pool.
  4. Many antibacterial hygiene products are the primary source of destruction of the protective water-lipid membrane of the skin.
  5. Inappropriate skin care and the use of aggressive cosmetics based on alcohol lotions contribute to xerosis, as does frequent exfoliation.
  6. Work in production, where the premises have high temperature conditions, there are hot shops. For example, bakery, metallurgical production.
  7. Violation of the daily routine and metabolism can cause not only dry skin, but also lead to other diseases.
  8. Disruption of the thyroid gland, which affects the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, hepatitis, cancer.
  10. If drinking and eating regimens are violated, diarrhea causes dehydration of the body.
  11. Natural aging is also one of the reasons.
  12. With a deficiency in the body, which are directly involved in the process of restoration and rejuvenation of the skin.
  13. The cause may be bad habits of coffee, strong tea, smoking and alcohol. Thus, toxic substances found in tobacco products lead to contamination of blood vessels and a decrease in the circulation of moisture in the skin. (Read about how to cleanse vessels of unnecessary debris after bad habits here)


Xerosis can be identified by specific signs:

  • the skin visually looks tight and irritated;
  • there is redness on the epidermis and the pores are almost invisible;
  • the epidermis becomes coarser, roughness and peeling occur;
  • Cracks appear in the natural folds of the skin, in the bends of the fingers and elbows.

Note! Patients with xerosis experience itching, burning, and an unpleasant feeling of tightness of the skin. These symptoms are especially aggravated after water procedures or contact with dry air.


Xerosis can manifest itself both in diseases of internal organs and in skin diseases. If the skin is dry with discomfort, the patient should visit a dermatologist.

Before conducting a visual examination, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints about the discomfort he experiences. In most cases, patients complain that they experience itching, burning, and tightness of the skin. In advanced forms of xerosis, small cracks may appear in the natural folds of the skin, which are located on the elbows, knees, and bends of the fingers.

The next stage of diagnosis is anamnesis - this is the collection of the necessary information by the doctor from the patient, using a thorough interview. The doctor conducts a survey: when did the pathology begin to manifest itself, whether it was preceded by any previous diseases or operations. The use of drugs or alcohol is a cause of xerosis. Anamnesis is one of the main methods for diagnosing diseases in medicine; together with an examination of the patient, it will allow an accurate diagnosis.

The list of skin diseases that are associated with dry epidermis is quite extensive:

  • In cases of keratosis pilaris, small pimples appear on the patient's upper and lower extremities, as well as on the buttocks. A large number of pimples makes the skin rough and dry, reminiscent of the appearance of sandpaper.
  • With a rather unpleasant skin disease, thick and dry scales form on the epidermis. They look like fish scales, quite small and multi-faceted. The disease can be expressed to varying degrees, from slight roughness to significant changes in the epidermis.
  • Dermatitis or eczema is also characterized by dryness, itching, and detachment of the epidermis. Small cracks appear on the skin, it becomes inflamed and itchy.

Dry skin is also accompanied a number of diseases of internal organs: renal failure, dystrophy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and others. Therefore, after collecting anamnesis and visual examination, the doctor may prescribe laboratory tests.

Types of disease

Dermatologists divide xerosis into three types:

The first type is acquired xerosis. It appears due to aggressive cosmetics and improper skin care. May occur due to frequent skin peeling and other cosmetic procedures.

The second type is prussic xerosis. This is a physiological process that appears during aging and withering of the skin. Over time, the epidermis becomes thinner, flakes, and lacks moisture.

The third type is constitutional xerosis. This is the result of genetic characteristics, it manifests itself as a hereditary factor.


When treating xerosis, it is necessary to take into account all factors that may contribute to the disease. Treatment can be not only medicinal, but also based on proper nutrition in combination with traditional methods of hydration.

Drug treatment

All skin requires hydration and protection. For these purposes, you can use all known glycerin. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy; it has long been used to avoid dry skin, as well as for the manufacture of cosmetics. It has the ability to retain moisture in the epidermis, stimulates the process of new cell division and renewal, and maintains the necessary moisture balance.

For the treatment of xerosis, dermatologists in most cases prescribe creams and ointments containing urea, lactic and salicylic acids. Creams based on these components help soften the damaged area of ​​the skin, remove dead scales, and normalize the respiration of the epidermis.

Drugs that contain corticosteroids are prescribed by dermatologists to treat serious skin problems, these are: Elokom, Celestoderm-B, Advantan.

If an infection penetrates the epidermis, the doctor will prescribe medications containing antibiotics - Triderm and Celestoderm ointment.

Proper nutrition and water balance in the body

If your skin is extremely dry, you need to pay special attention to food products. Most people prefer food made from semi-finished products, to which low-quality manufacturers add large amounts of salt and preservatives. Please know that all food additives lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body and disruption of metabolic processes. Almost all semi-finished products do not contain natural vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for human development and health.

If you want to make your skin clean, smooth, youthful and without dryness, then you should enrich your diet with the following products:

Along with proper and nutritious nutrition, it is necessary to consume large amounts of water in order to prevent dehydration of the body. The World Health Organization has calculated that the fairer sex should drink at least 30 milliliters, and men 40 milliliters of liquid per day per 1 kg of weight. That is, a person weighing 80 kg needs to drink at least 2 liters of 400 ml of liquid during the day.

Note! In most cases, proper nutrition and stabilization of the water balance in the body help improve the condition of the skin without any additional treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you have xerosis, you need to regularly moisturize your body; this can be not only cosmetic masks and medicinal creams purchased in pharmacies, but also natural ingredients. , in folk medicine, there are many recipes for preparing moisturizing creams, masks with medicinal herbs and natural ingredients.

  • Taking a bath with added glycerin. Taking a glycerin bath is recommended to restore the skin. To do this, you need to fill the bath with warm water and add 1/2 cup of glycerin to it.
  • Taking a bath with the addition of natural honey, milk and almond oil will not only soften and moisturize the skin, but also relieve inflammation. To do this, take a liter of milk, heat it without boiling, add 200 grams to the milk. honey previously melted in a water bath. Gently mix the two components and slowly add 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil. Pour the life-giving mixture into a bath of warm water.
  • A moisturizing mask based on honey and olive oil will not only soften and moisturize the skin, but also remove toxins from it. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of honey, previously melted in a water bath, with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the made mask to the skin, after taking a bath, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.


To avoid and prevent the development of xerosis, several rules must be followed:

  1. Maintain healthy sleep, it allows the whole body to rest and helps restore skin cells.
  2. Eat plenty of natural and healthy foods.
  3. Avoid eating processed foods, sweets and fatty foods.
  4. Try to avoid overheating your body or hypothermia.
  5. Give up bad and destructive habits.

In conclusion, we can say that abnormal dry skin can not only be prevented, but also cured. A disease such as xerosis should not be neglected - this can lead to health complications. For any manifestations of the disease, you should seek qualified medical advice.

Most people have had xerosis cutis (dry skin) at some time in their lives. In severe cases, this condition is extremely uncomfortable both physically and psychologically. To combat the symptoms of xerosis, knowledge of the causes of this disorder and suitable solutions are necessary to help you choose a personalized skin care regimen with optimal effectiveness.

Skin xerosis: general description

Xerosis of the skin (xeroderma) is the medical term for excessive dry skin. The cause of this condition is a lack of moisture, for example due to aging (geriatric xerosis) or certain diseases such as diabetes or side effects of medications. Xeroderma causes both physical discomfort and emotional stress, since the appearance of the skin affects the perception of personality.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It consists of the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Thanks to its highly differentiated structure, it combines various important functions.

The skin provides protection from radiation (such as UV radiation), from various types of damage, and prevents pathogens from entering the body. By expanding or narrowing the capillary blood vessels that enter the upper layers of the dermis, the body monitors body temperature with the help of the skin. In addition, the skin performs sensory functions. Through thin hair and thermoreceptors people can perceive temperature stimuli, touch or pain and navigate their environment.

In the upper layers, hygroscopic molecules such as urea, pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, salts and amino acids attract and bind large quantities of water. The skin's own barrier lipids (such as ceramides) reduce evaporation and limit water loss. In the deeper layers there is a network of vessels, which ensures optimal distribution of moisture between cells.

Since the skin, due to its size and function as a delimiter, is subject to many attacks from the outside and inside, its delicate balance can quickly become unbalanced. In addition to many other symptoms, a decrease in water content may be observed, that is, signs of xeroderma or xerosis. Most often, xeroderma is associated with age, which is a consequence of the normal aging process.

Symptoms and signs

Xerosis is a common acute or chronic condition that affects millions of people. Because different factors regulate water balance, dehydration can also be felt in different ways. Usually, xerosis has several symptoms. Dermatologists identify the following as typical symptoms:

  • dull, rough and flaky appearance;
  • low elasticity;
  • sensitivity to the influence of temperature.

Itching, and as a result, scratching, damages the skin and makes it sensitive to harmful influences such as as pathogenic microorganisms, temperature, sunlight, chemicals and allergens.

Causes of xerosis

Dermatologists identify external factors that contribute to skin xeroderma:

Internal factors can also increase skin dryness. This is a hereditary predisposition, lack of fatty acids or low binding capacity of the skin, hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause). Malnutrition as well as being underweight. In addition, dry skin may appear as a symptom various skin diseases.

Age-related changes are mainly associated with the interdependence of three different factors:

  • decreased sebum production in old age;
  • the epidermis does not retain moisture;
  • sweat glands produce less sweat.

Diagnosis of skin diseases

To prevent further damage to the affected areas, it is necessary to know the reasons that led to the disorder. Depending on the specificity of the symptoms, further detailed diagnosis may be carried out by various specialists . These include:

  • therapists;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • endocrinologists.

Before a dermatology doctor begins an examination, he or she must ask questions about the patient's current health status. The dermatologist will then be able to use the following diagnosis based on symptom characteristics collected from the previous history, the patient's current health status, and a thorough physical examination, especially of the affected skin areas.

Skin xerosis in children and adults is a fairly common phenomenon. But if the signs or symptoms of this disease are detected in time, then it is easily treatable. In the past, xerosis was treated primarily symptomatically. The goal was to reduce symptoms in the short term through the external use of lipids, mainly vegetable oil, humectants and natural moisturizing factors such as urea and lactate.

Today experts know more about the causes of xerosis. Doctors have discovered a more holistic approach with long-lasting treatment effects. This strategy aims to prevent or minimize the causes and factors influencing xerosis. The focus is on coordinated skin care for the face and body, which includes cleansing and moisturizing.

The goal of xeroderma treatment is to restore normal levels of skin hydration. You either need to give her more fluids or prevent excessive fluid loss.

Treatment of xerosis essentially involves three strategies. First of all, the dermatologist tries to relieve the affected person of his symptoms. Then restore the moisture balance and prevent its loss. In the first case, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing creams and lotions can be tailored to the condition of your skin. Here the dermatologist orders a specific combination of medications and dosage.

Skin care products such as creams, ointments, emulsions, oils and lotions restore the natural barrier, moisturize and lubricate the skin. They usually do not contain pharmaceutical active ingredients, but may contain moisturizing or binding or regenerating agents. They should be applied several times a day and always immediately after swimming or showering.

Oil baths are a special form of care products that leave an oil film on the skin. Medicinal oil baths can help relieve dryness. The oils used for this are high in fat and include olive, soybean and sunflower oils. Sometimes some essential oils such as lavender, lemon balm or sandalwood oil are also added.

Glucocorticoids are used for the short-term treatment of inflammatory and non-infectious skin diseases. When treating the underlying conditions of xerosis, your doctor will refer to another specialist to treat the condition in parallel.

For children's soft, dry skin, it is important to limit exposure to soap and frequently use a gentle, thick moisturizer such as Vaseline.

Home remedies for treatment

When treating dry skin, there is a need for old, proven products that restore the skin.

You can use carrot juice, which not only moisturizes but also provides the affected areas with many nutrients and vitamins. Dressings with milk or olive oil are popular. They strengthen the structure of the skin and have a calming effect on the irritated surface. Due to their high fat content, they provide additional fats that can be used to restore damaged oil films.

Yogurt wraps are often used to moisturize damaged skin. They provide important nutrients and also have a stimulating and soothing effect on the affected areas.

Further care can be carried out with aloe vera, chamomile or honey. These products are applied to the damaged areas. They relieve irritation and have a calming and nourishing effect. In addition, they reduce intense itching.

Diet for xeroderma

Nutrition can also play an important role in treating and preventing dry skin. An overall healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is important for the functioning of the entire body.

To ensure you have enough fat, you should turn to avocados. These fruits contain fats that the body needs and make the skin very soft.

Carrots and potatoes have a nutritional effect. Their components protect the skin from sunburn and give a healthy complexion.

Foods such as oatmeal, nuts, milk and egg yolk contain a vitamin called biotin, which helps regenerate and repair damage. Zinc also promotes regeneration and prevents inflammatory processes.

Prevention of skin disorders

Even in everyday life, you can do a lot to care for and protect your skin and prevent skin diseases using the following tips:

The skin naturally undergoes constant renewal with numerous regenerative processes. Surface cells are destroyed by everyday factors, and new cells move from the lower layers to the top. This mechanism allows you to eliminate damaged, dry areas, provided that the cause that led to increased dryness is eliminated. Damaged skin is replaced with a new, healthy structure. However, this process may take several weeks, depending on the extent of the affected areas and how dry they are.