Mayonnaise hair mask recipe. Beauty for a penny: Mayonnaise hair mask. Video: mayonnaise mask for dry hair

It's in every refrigerator. It is used to dress salads and added to dough. At the same time, beauties have found an original use for it - they use mayonnaise for their hair, the reviews after which are fantastic. Some compare the mayonnaise mask with procedures in the salon - lamination, straightening and other “ordeals”. Make it easier for yourself to take care of yourself, use what you have nearby.

What are the benefits of mayonnaise?

Some people mistakenly believe that this sauce, which originates in the province of Provence, is made with sour cream or kefir. It tastes like fermented milk products, but has nothing in common with them. It consists of products that are in every refrigerator. Each of them is suitable to improve the condition of the skin and hair. If you mix them, you get an “explosive” mixture that corrects serious shortcomings in the condition of the hair.

  1. Eggs. White and yolk are the main components of beauty recipes. The yolk contains a bunch of elements from the periodic table, so it perfectly nourishes the hair follicles. The protein acts as a laminating agent that connects the split ends. The hair after these components is smooth and shiny;
  2. Mustard. The specific taste of the egg-oil mixture, which is difficult to confuse with something else, is due to mustard. The seasoning is useful for those who want to grow long and voluminous curls. The substance enters the scalp and stimulates the hair follicles. After systematic procedures, the hair becomes lush and thick;
  3. Vegetable oil. Those who like to experiment with their image require extra care. To improve the condition of curls damaged by perms and bleaching, a softening agent is required. Vegetable oil, which is part of the egg sauce, copes with this task perfectly.

These are the main components that make up mayonnaise. Factory-made products contain a lot of chemical additives that are necessary to increase shelf life. Despite this composition, mayonnaise has an excellent effect on curls, making them shiny, silky and beautiful.

Making mayonnaise at home

Homemade sauce, which is used for the potion of youth and beauty, is better, cheaper and more effective. The recipe is simple, so even a novice housewife can master the preparation. You will need to take the components, combine them, beat them with a mixer or in a blender, and then you can apply them to your hair.

  • Take a teaspoon each of lemon juice and mustard;
  • Add salt and sugar. You don’t need a lot, a little more than a pinch will be enough;
  • Beat in 2 eggs;
  • After this, mix the components until smooth. During this process, pour in a little more than half a glass of vegetable oil in a thin stream. The ideal option is olive. If this is not available, sunflower will do.

The homemade product is ready. All that remains is to apply it to your head, wrap yourself in a towel or put on a special cap, after covering your “mayonnaise” hair with cellophane. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes. It’s okay if you “forget” and don’t wash off the mayonnaise for longer than the allotted time. There will be no harm from this, but the benefits are colossal. To feel the real effect, do not forget to do such “lotions” at least once a week. A systematic approach is important in this matter, then the effect will not be long in coming. For greater results, add additional products to the egg-oil mixture that will help cope with specific “hair” problems.

Revitalizing mask with mayonnaise

The recipe is simple, especially since all the ingredients are in the refrigerator. You will need a desire to be beautiful, an hour of free time. The mixture is applied to hair that requires immediate attention. This applies to bleached hair after perm. The composition restores curls, makes them shiny and soft.

Mask with mayonnaise for hair growth

You have a fashionable haircut, but suddenly you want long curls. The problem is easily solved. It is enough to use folk advice, which is no worse than salon procedures. Make a mask with mayonnaise and honey regularly. And then the hair will be lush, strong and shiny. And they will begin to grow faster than before.

Anti-dandruff mask with mayonnaise

Problematic scalp is another reason to prepare a mayonnaise potion. The result is a specific product, the smell of which can be easily removed by rinsing with water acidified with citric acid or lemon juice. The peculiarity is that the mixture contains garlic juice. It emits a specific smell that is not so easy to remove. In most cases, it disappears when it completely disappears. If no shampoos help in the fight against dandruff, try a folk remedy with mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise for hair sounds strange and unusual, but there is nothing surprising here.

Any girl who has tried a mayonnaise hair mask will appreciate it and will no longer spend money on expensive industrial products. Mayonnaise masks transform hair, revitalize it and add shine.

In the article you can find detailed information about the use of mayonnaise for hair, its benefits, recipes for hair masks made from mayonnaise at home and the rules for carrying out procedures. As a bonus, here is a recipe for making homemade mayonnaise.

The benefits of mayonnaise for hair

The effectiveness of this product is due to the components included in its composition:

  • egg yolk is rich in beauty vitamins A and E, it makes hair thicker and more voluminous, helps cope with hair loss;
  • vegetable oil nourishes the scalp and moisturizes curls;
  • mustard warms up and improves blood microcirculation, accelerates hair growth;
  • Lemon juice adds silkiness and shine.

The consistency of mayonnaise makes it similar to the usual store-bought masks - it is easy to apply and wash off, and your scalp does not look greasy afterwards. It is easy to use and effective on its own, but when you add other ingredients it becomes even more beneficial.

Which mayonnaise is better

Stores offer a huge range of this product. You need to carefully read the composition and choose one that contains only natural ingredients. It is better that lemon juice is present there, and not its substitute - citric acid. The same goes for vinegar: natural vinegar for hair is preferable to acetic acid.

Mayonnaise can be classic and light - it is recommended to use a product with 67% fat content. It can be made with sunflower or olive oil - the second has a better effect on curls. And if the packaging states that it contains quail eggs rather than chicken eggs, that’s generally very cool.

And yet, if you have time and opportunity, it is better to make homemade mayonnaise. It will be fresher, and there will be no doubt about its naturalness. It's easy, it only takes a few minutes, and the leftovers can be used to prepare delicious culinary masterpieces.

How to make your own mayonnaise

Products for this mask can be found in any kitchen:

  • 1 chicken egg yolk or 2 quail egg yolks;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 250 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard - half a teaspoon;
  • apple cider vinegar - half a teaspoon.

For the cooking process you need a blender or mixer. You can whisk the sauce, but it will take a lot of effort to achieve the desired consistency.

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and place in a deep bowl or blender.
  2. Start beating the yolks, pouring in the oil in a thin stream. This should be done in small portions.
  3. The mass will gradually become more and more dense. Now you can add the remaining ingredients and continue beating.
  4. Mayonnaise is ready! Transfer leftovers to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator.

Rules for conducting procedures

Before you try the restorative properties of mayonnaise, you need to know all the nuances of these pleasant self-care sessions.

  1. All mayonnaise-based masks are very nutritious. They are applied only to dry, unwashed hair.
  2. If you have an oily scalp, you should not apply the mixture to your roots.
  3. The mask is kept for 15-45 minutes. The longer, the better the result will be.
  4. It is customary to wrap cellophane on top and insulate the head with a towel or hat.
  5. Rinsing must be done with shampoo 1-2 times.
  6. If the smell of mayonnaise remains on your hair, you can use hair balm.
  7. The course of masks is 1-3 months, depending on the initial condition of the hair. The drier the hair, the longer the procedures can be done.
  8. Do wraps no more than 2 times a week, so as not to oversaturate your curls.
  9. When adding additional components, it is recommended to test the possibility of an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​the skin.
  10. It is advisable to make mayonnaise masks with different ingredients so that your hair does not get used to it.

Lightening hair with mayonnaise

Due to the content of lemon juice or citric acid, mayonnaise has the ability to lighten hair. But it is achieved only with prolonged exposure - you need to keep the mask on your hair for 3 hours. Be sure to put it under a bag and a cap - heat is a catalyst for the reactions that lemon provokes.

The procedure will remove unwanted yellowness that sometimes appears after hair coloring. It can lighten curls by 1-2 tones in a few uses without drying them out, as chemical dyes do. This is both lightening and care at the same time. With regular use the color will become lighter and brighter.

Mayonnaise mask recipes

Depending on the ingredients, you can find a recipe to solve any hair-related problem. Below are the most popular and effective ones.

Anti-dandruff mask with mayonnaise and egg

Eggs are a well-known ingredient in dandruff recipes. The introduction of another yolk will make the composition richer, and the white will moisturize the curls and cover them with a protective film. To avoid unpleasant odor, it is recommended to add ylang-ylang essential oil.


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.
  • Em. ylang-ylang - 3 drops.


  1. Beat the egg until smooth.
  2. Mix with mayonnaise, apply to hair under cellophane and a towel.
  3. After 15-30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Mayonnaise and mustard for hair growth

Mustard is a natural curl growth stimulator. But you shouldn't abuse it. If you use too much mustard and leave it on your head, you can get real burns. The maximum time for using mustard masks is 10 minutes for recipes with ready-made mustard and no more than 5 minutes for options containing mustard powder.


  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.


  1. If using ready-made mustard, simply mix the ingredients and apply for 10 minutes, touching the hair roots.
  2. If mustard powder is added, it must be diluted in warm water, left for 15 minutes and mixed with mayonnaise in the same way. Apply for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and use conditioner. Dry your hair without a hairdryer.

Mayonnaise, coconut and olive oils for particularly damaged hair

This recipe will help restore damaged hair after perming, repeated straightening, dyeing or other aggressive procedures. With just a few uses, your locks will regain their shine and health.


  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.
  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Heat the oils in a water bath or in the microwave to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Mix with sauce in a blender, using a mixer or whisk.
  3. Apply to head for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo 2-3 times.
  5. Dry your hair naturally.

Mayonnaise, honey, yeast and garlic for hair loss

Garlic strengthens hair follicles, making hair fall out less. It contains many essential oils that stimulate blood circulation and enhance hair growth. In combination with mayonnaise, yeast and honey, we get a mask that both strengthens and cares for hair.


  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon.


  1. If possible, squeeze the juice out of the garlic.
  2. If you don’t have a device for extracting juice, cut the garlic into pieces and mix in a blender with mayonnaise.
  3. Add honey, slightly warmed in a water bath.
  4. Pour in the yeast and leave the mixture for 10 minutes.
  5. Apply to hair, leave for 10-20 minutes.
  6. Wash off with shampoo and use conditioner.

Mask with aloe and kefir for unruly hair

This recipe will make styling easier, your curls will become more manageable and elastic. Can be used for both oily and dry scalp. Restores normal balance, moisturizes and stimulates growth.


  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.
  • Kefir - 3 tablespoons.
  • Aloe juice - 1 teaspoon.
  • Juniper essential oil - 3 drops.


  1. Heat kefir to 40 degrees.
  2. Squeeze out aloe vera or agave juice. You can use aloe juice from a pharmacy.
  3. Combine all ingredients, mix and apply to hair.
  4. Keep for 15-45 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Exotic mask with avocado and banana for shine and volume

These fruits are good for hair individually. Avocado contains oils and envelops the hair, and banana makes it crumbly, voluminous and lush. Don't forget to add extra lemon juice to make it easier to wash off the mask.


  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Banana - half.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Beat avocado and banana in a blender at maximum power. There should not even be small pieces left.
  2. Mix fruit puree with mayonnaise.
  3. Add lemon juice, beat the whole mass again.
  4. Apply to the head and leave for 15 minutes to 1 hour.
  5. Wash off with your usual shampoo.


Availability, ease of use and effectiveness - isn't this a reason to pamper your curls with new recipes? Get into the habit of caring for them regularly. These are pleasant procedures that give you a good mood and transform your appearance!

167 10/08/2019 7 min.

Mayonnaise is exactly the product that can be used as a component of hair masks. Many may be surprised by this fact, but it is true. If you make masks that include other components, you can rid your hair of dandruff, strengthen and moisturize it. Nowadays, girls quite often wonder how to care for their hair and what products to use.

What kind of girl doesn’t want to look attractive and have beautiful curls. Hair becomes lifeless and dry after using a hair dryer, straightening, after coloring procedures and chemical perms. But, of course, external factors can also influence the structure. The most ordinary mayonnaise can bring life back to your hair. It is clear that every girl chooses how to treat her hair. But the fact remains: mayonnaise helps restore them.

Not every girl is ready to spend expensive hair care products, so try using mayonnaise as a hair product.


Due to the components that make up mayonnaise, it is able to moisturize them and also stimulate the hair follicles. As a result, hair will begin to grow faster. When additional ingredients are included in the masks, the masks become more effective.

Many can say with certainty that they do not consume mayonnaise, as they carefully monitor their figure. But there is no doubt about the benefits of mayonnaise. Egg yolk is the most valuable component of mayonnaise. It is this that is the source of protein. The composition also includes vegetable oil, which is filled with vitamin E. This vitamin affects hair shine and thickness. Vinegar is usually contained in small quantities, which helps to soothe the hair and slightly smooth out the scales. You will finally stop unraveling your strands and you will be able to comb them very easily. The use of oils and additional components is not required.

You can not only buy mayonnaise in the store, but also prepare it yourself. So, mayonnaise, bought in a store, or prepared independently, can improve the structure of the hair. In this case, no expensive care products will be needed. But, like almost any product, mayonnaise has one drawback: it is very difficult to wash off. You won’t experience any difficulties during the application process, but it will be difficult to remove the mass from the strands. But this should not be scary, as the result is amazing.

In the video - mayonnaise for hair:

What are the benefits of mayonnaise?

  1. The hair structure becomes silky. Due to the vegetable oil contained in mayonnaise, hair receives a lot of nutritional components. Damaged strands will be especially happy with this product.
  2. Mayonnaise is able to protect the hair structure from exposure to direct sunlight and from the effects of styling components. Vegetable oil and egg yolk together can wrap each hair in a special protective film.
  3. The acid-base balance is restored. In general, they have an acid balance. But shampoo acts as an alkaline medium. This is why the overall balance of curls can be disrupted. The result is unruly hair and brittleness. The balance is restored due to the vinegar contained in mayonnaise.
  4. Damaged curls are also restored due to the effect of egg white. Most often, it is homemade mayonnaise that has a greater effect on brittle and dry hair. Fresh eggs make your hair look voluminous and add shine.

You may also be interested in learning about what a coconut oil hair mask looks like and in what cases it is used. To do this, follow the link to the contents of this


For hair treatment, both regular mayonnaise from the store and homemade mayonnaise are suitable. But in any case, with the addition of mayonnaise, you can prepare a variety of hair products. Each of the masks can have a special effect on curls. The only important rule is that the use of mayonnaise is not advisable for fatty people. This is due to the fact that mayonnaise promotes the secretion of subcutaneous sebum to a greater extent. What hair mask recipes can you use?

Useful mask with egg. As already mentioned, the hair appears shiny and silky due to the egg. In this version of the mask, you can also use quail eggs. So add 3 quail eggs to mayonnaise, and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise will be needed. In order to obtain an evenly mixed mass, it is recommended to use both eggs and mayonnaise at room temperature. The usual duration of action is 20 minutes. If you don’t have quail eggs at home, you can use regular chicken eggs. It is best to use only yolks.

Honey– a valuable component that is used in many dishes and in masks, as well as in face masks. To prepare the mask you will need 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. You only need 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture and mix well.

30 minutes are enough for the product to act, but you can increase the exposure time to an hour. When the hair is long, it is necessary to increase the amount of ingredients taken so that the mask is enough for the entire length. If the type is mixed, then it is enough to treat only the damaged areas of the curls with the mixture. But fat-free hair needs to be processed with all care and along its entire length, starting from the very ends. But how it’s done is described in detail in this article.

Kefir– a component that can restore hair structure and strengthen it. Preparing the mask is very simple. To do this, you need to mix regular mayonnaise and kefir. If you don’t have homemade mayonnaise, you can buy it in the store, but the fat content should be high.

The mask must be applied completely to all strands. Be sure to create a warming effect with a warm towel and bag. If your hair is of dry type, then the mask should be kept on your head for 40 minutes. If they are of the oily type, then 20 minutes is enough.

If you not only want to strengthen your hair, but also want it to grow faster, then you should try a mask using burdock oil. You need to take the components in a ratio of 3 to 1, mayonnaise and burdock oil, respectively. All components are mixed, the mask is ready. It is applied to all strands for 40 minutes. Don't forget to wear an insulating hat. But you can see how it’s done correctly in the video in the article.

Any mask must be applied correctly. Therefore, you can use some recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to use only convenient containers for mayonnaise.
  2. Using a special brush designed for hair, the mask can be applied evenly.
  3. Using a comb with sparse teeth, you can comb them. But under no circumstances comb your regular wet hair without a mask.
  4. To create a warming effect, you should have a bag and a warm towel, preferably terry, on hand.
  5. Diluted baby shampoo without dyes. They are the ones who need to wash their hair in the future after using the mask.

The video shows a hair mask with mayonnaise and honey:

Any of the masks requires rinsing off at the end of the action. This will require a lot of water. Remember that too hot water will only harm you. As a result, under the influence of high temperature, mayonnaise or its remains will simply curl up, and it will be very difficult to comb out these curled up lumps. But the use of cold water is encouraged. Since it is cold water that improves the condition of both the scalp and the strands themselves. Of course, some discomfort will arise, but for the sake of improving the condition of your hair, you can endure it.

Experts recommend trying to wash off the mask with a balm rather than shampoo. Buy an inexpensive large volume balm. But keep in mind that the composition should not contain silicones. So, while rinsing, you need to distribute the balm over the entire length, sparingly applying it to the scalp. Start kneading your hair using massage movements. You should ensure that the balm just starts to foam. As soon as this happens, you can begin to wash off the product with water.

Video on how to remove hair dye with mayonnaise:

If this method is not successful, then you always have the right to use shampoo. But such a shampoo should be marked “for frequent washing.” There should be no odor left from the mask. Therefore, it is acceptable to use a mask 2 times a week. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a mask. It's worth trying to make such a mask.

How to use it correctly and what effect can be achieved from its use. This is explained in detail in the video in this article.

How effective a hair mask made from cinnamon, honey and balm is, the information in this article will help you understand.

Using eggs to improve hair condition is a long-standing practice. Eggs contain beneficial components that nourish the scalp. and the strands themselves. And if mayonnaise is not considered a particularly healthy food product, then eating eggs is recommended by doctors. Eggs contain:

  • vitamin E;
  • lecithin;
  • choline

The above substances are good for restoring damaged strands and nourishing the scalp, since the consistency of the egg allows it to envelop each hair.

However, it is worth remembering that you only need to wash eggs from your hair with cold water, since when exposed to heat, the protein coagulates and flakes can form, which are very difficult to remove.

As for mayonnaise, it also contains a large number of useful substances, which strengthen follicles and stimulate hair growth. Mayonnaise-based masks can add shine and shine to your hair.

Mayonnaise, especially homemade, contains mustard, vinegar or lemon juice, olive oil, and egg yolks. Each of the components individually already has a positive effect on the hair structure, nourishing it.

The beneficial effects of mayonnaise are that:

  • hair becomes softer and silkier;
  • strands are protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and chemical components of styling products;
  • the acid-base balance of the scalp is restored;
  • damaged strands are restored and nourished.

Mayonnaise is a fairly fatty product due to the presence of vegetable oils in it. They are the ones who nourish the hair.

Mayonnaise and eggs complement each other's effectiveness, thereby giving your hair more vitamins and nutrients.

Important: To prepare masks, you can use both store-bought and homemade mayonnaise, but the latter will be healthier.

Who are these masks suitable for?

The mayonnaise mask is suitable for all scalp types, but it must be used with a certain frequency. It has the most powerful and positive effect on hair:

For oily scalp, the frequency of use of the nourishing product should not exceed once every one and a half weeks. For dry and weakened strands, you can apply it more often - once a week. In this case, in the first case, it is enough to simply nourish the ends of the strands, and for dry and thin curls, it is recommended to apply the product to the entire length of the hair.

The mask allows you to quickly nourish and restore damaged strands and also give them shine and elasticity.

If your hair is severely damaged, you should use only homemade mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe

To prepare a mask based on mayonnaise with the addition of eggs you will need:

  • chicken eggs;
  • quail eggs;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. The yolks are separated from the eggs. These are the ones that will be used. Three chicken and three quail eggs and two tablespoons of mayonnaise are enough.
  2. All components must be at room temperature.
  3. Before applying to hair, all components simply need to be mixed.
  4. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire length or only to the damaged ends.

You can make mayonnaise at home. It will be much healthier than store-bought and the scalp and strands will receive an additional portion of nutrients. It will require:

  • egg;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • mustard;
  • lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.

If the mayonnaise was prepared at home, then it is not necessary to add an additional egg to it and you can immediately apply it to your hair.

Reference! It is most convenient to beat the products for making homemade mayonnaise in a blender to avoid the formation of lumps.

How to use it correctly and for what purposes?

Mayonnaise masks are recommended for girls who have weak or damaged hair. This product allows you to strengthen the strands, make them elastic, strengthen the structure and add shine to your hair. In addition, the mayonnaise mask helps accelerate the growth of strands.

In addition to the main components, the following can be used:

  • kefir;
  • wheat germ;
  • natural oils;
  • banana.

When additional components are introduced into the product, its beneficial effects are enhanced.

The mask is applied to the entire length of the strands or just to the ends, because it is quite oily and can weigh down the hair.

It is recommended to use masks of this type no more than once a week or a week and a half. But it all depends on the length of the hair. The product can be applied to short strands once a week, and the longer the curls, the more often the procedure can be carried out. For long lengths, the product can only be applied to the ends. It is best to use it in a course of 1-2 months, then take a break for the same period.

A mayonnaise mask is best for hair that needs extra nutrition.

This applies to strands that have been frequently dyed or blow-dried, straightened with stylers, or curled with a curling iron. In addition, such therapy should be carried out periodically for any type of scalp.

It is necessary to wash off the mayonnaise-egg composition especially carefully, since some of its components can coagulate under the influence of high temperature, but the oils themselves, also contained in its composition, cannot be completely washed off in cold or cool water. Therefore, after 20 minutes after applying the composition, you need to wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

You need to devote a lot of time to washing so that the strands after drying do not look untidy due to the remaining particles.

Attention! The composition is applied only to dry hair.


In addition to all its advantages, the product also has contraindications. This is increased oiliness of the scalp. When using a nourishing mask based on mayonnaise, sebum production may increase, which will only worsen the problem.

In the case of oily hair, the product can be used only on dry ends, or you can make it more fat-free by using low-fat mayonnaise or additionally adding lemon juice or other products that can neutralize the production of sebum.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to prepare a hair mask from mayonnaise:


Using masks based on mayonnaise and eggs allows you to quickly nourish the scalp with healthy vitamins and fats. Typically the product is used for dry and weakened hair to restore shine and strength.

Do you want to treat dry and lifeless hair? Then a mayonnaise hair mask would be an excellent option for home therapy. It will help moisturize the strands, improve their structure and lighten it slightly. Treatment options and masks, various recipes - all in our article.

The benefits of mayonnaise masks

Mayonnaise is not only a food additive, it is also an excellent strand growth stimulator. This effect occurs due to the water-oil emulsion in the product. How is this mask useful and why does it help:

  • It is recommended to use mayonnaise as a remedy against hair brittleness, dryness and fragility;
  • mayonnaise is excellent for home lightening procedures;
  • Regular hair care when using this product guarantees increased elasticity of curls;
  • mayonnaise contains milk proteins that form the thinnest protective layer on the hair.

Mayonnaise Recipes

As already mentioned, it is better not to use mayonnaise for oily hair, because... it provokes the secretion of sebum and contributes to the rapid contamination of problem curls. But due to the fragility of dry ones, it is difficult to find a better component. Mix a spoonful of the product with olive oil, lemon juice and apply this mixture to the strands. For the best effect, you need to use full-fat mayonnaise, say 64% or 72%. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes.

The most effective masks are made from homemade mayonnaise. To prepare them, you need to whisk all the ingredients of the future seasoning yourself, including:

  • pepper and mustard powder;
  • egg yolks, beaten separately from whites;
  • milk;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • sunflower oil (can be replaced).
  1. Mix all of the above in a ceramic container and begin whisking continuously for 20 minutes. As soon as the mixture thickens and becomes similar in consistency to real mayonnaise, you need to add avacado juice to it. We'll do great mayonnaise hair growth mask. Now we apply this mixture to the strands, distribute it so that the concentration of the preparations on the roots is higher than on the ends, and hold for 20-30 minutes. This recipe is suitable for both dry, lifeless hair and oily hair that needs improved growth.
  2. You can also speed up the growth of curls using onion porridge and mayonnaise, or garlic juice and honey. All these components are very active, but when using a mayonnaise base, their effect is somewhat softened.
  3. A good homemade mask for hair loss is made from honey and mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients in equal parts, apply to hair with a comb, and massage your head for 5 minutes before rinsing off the product. Repeat every other day.
  4. A similar mixture can be used to lighten hair. For such purposes, we take the juice of one lemon, honey, mayonnaise and a little olive oil. Mix a glass of fresh juice, a spoonful of food products, apply to the curls with a comb or cotton swab, rinse after half an hour.
  5. A homemade egg-mayonnaise mask is suitable for maintaining hair strength in winter. You just need to beat one egg at room temperature into the prepared food supplement and leave it to brew for a little while. It is advisable to heat it in a water bath before use. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. It cleans hair strands well, mayonnaise and bread. You need to buy rye bread, cut off several slices and soak them together with the crust in mayonnaise, then pour the liquid from two beaten eggs into the product. Together with the bread, apply the mixture to your curls and leave for 40 minutes. To more accurately assess what results you will get, you need to use the mask on dirty hair.

Mayonnaise and professional products

It is unlikely that mayonnaise-based hair shampoos can be found in stores, and, by the way, it is in vain. After all, you can’t think of anything better for dry hair. You can independently transform folk remedies with professional preparations.

1) As an option, a mayonnaise mask for removing hair dye is very simple to prepare and works effectively. Mix mayonnaise, a few drops of extraordinary oil from L'Oreal, apply to strands and leave for 40 minutes. Do this every day, after a week your hair will be significantly lighter.

2) For light damaged or dry hair, a mixture of the q3 therapy complex (balm or mask), mayonnaise and eggs is suitable. Mix everything, add the balm at the very end, then heat the mass in a water bath, spread it on the strands and leave for 20-30 minutes. Before doing this, you do not need to wash your hair, then the active components will penetrate deeper into the strands.

3) Good reviews about the use of wella products and food products. If you mix mayonnaise, Vella balm and yogurt, you get an excellent nourishing mass for hair that can be applied at night. Little advice: before use, apply another layer of balm to your hair, then it will wash off easier and become more manageable.

4) But the simplest recipe consists of mayonnaise and estel hair care products, which you can make with your own hands. Just smear your head with Estelle balm, apply mayonnaise on top, and comb another layer of product into your hair with a comb. According to the forum, such a mayonnaise hair mask will help remove brittleness and make the strands softer and more elastic.

Some tips