Signs and fortune telling for the old new year. Fortune telling for the old new year and ways to achieve what you want

The main winter events are already behind us, but I really want to extend the holidays! This is where the Old New Year comes to the rescue. So that this forgotten holiday is not lost among everyday work 2017, why not follow the old tradition and tell fortunes on the eve of this day?!

To carry out most fortune-telling, complex “ingredients” and hard-to-find “components” are not required - all items will probably be found in every person’s home or in the nearest store. The main thing is to tune in accordingly. You should not take this ancient ritual lightly and disrespectfully: after all, even such noble heroines of famous Russian novels, such as Tatyana Larina, did not disdain to perform fortune telling on Christmastide.

Fortune telling by wax is one of the most popular types of predictions in Rus'. Treat him in Year of the Rooster should be done with all seriousness, then the result will be true. Church candles are most suitable for the ritual. Part of one of them should be melted from the fire of the other. To do this, use a tablespoon. Pour the resulting wax into a small container of water. The frozen mass forms a pattern that remains to be deciphered.

If you look at the round shape of the figure, then Year of the Fire Rooster will bring good luck. The presence of a large number of sharp branches will show that you have enemies.


Now let's move on to analyzing the figure itself. Young ladies of marriageable age will certainly be pleased with the image of the arrow. It will mark a quick romance. If you find a tree with a rich crown, you will live in prosperity, and if you find only a trunk, then stability awaits you. Many women will be glad to see a piece of wax fall off. This symbol means an early pregnancy and childbirth, which must be completed. If you see some kind of animal in the melted wax, it will indicate an important person in your life. What impact it will have on you depends on the animal's perception. If you have positive emotions when you see an animal, this means that the person will also play a good role.

Another good omen for Old New Year holiday- see a star. This will lead to the fulfillment of a dream. However, not all symbols mean only good things. Of course, no one will be happy to see an image of evil spirits in the bowl. This will not lead to anything good. If the wax forms mountains or ledges, then difficulties await you in business. To see the depressions - to the step on the enemy’s side. Bare branches of a tree will warn of poverty.

If you have tried all these rituals, then you can turn to a more modern form fortune telling in the Old New Year. Lately, fortune telling on TV has become increasingly popular. Some may call it blasphemous and undermining ancient traditions, nevertheless, it was loved by our compatriots.

In addition, fortune telling is based on an ancient ritual. Everyone knows about the ancient Russian tradition of walking the streets at night and learning the names of strangers. The spoken name will allow you to find out what your spouse will be called. And if you are not lucky enough to hear a single name, then there is no point in expecting a wedding in the near future.

Modern technologies have made such dangerous night walks unnecessary for girls. After all, it’s much more pleasant to gather in company around the TV! While one person holds the remote control, another randomly names the channel by number. The one who tells fortunes must ask a question that interests him or simply make a wish. As soon as he does this (not out loud, of course), he says: “Done!” Here the first assistant tells him the channel number, and the second one turns on the TV. The main thing here is not to break the mystical silence and not to giggle. Everything is serious! The first phrase you hear will mean the answer to the question.


Fortune telling with mirrors is considered one of the most terrible Christmas rituals. The bravest young ladies light two candles and look into the corridor formed by several mirrors (usually two), which are reflected in each other. Candles placed in candlesticks should be placed on the sides of one of the mirrors. The mirrors themselves need to be placed opposite each other on the table. Next, the young lady should place herself behind the smallest of them. Another option is that she picks up a mirror and stands with it in front of another mirror hanging on the wall.

This ritual is also considered one of the most dangerous, but this does not stop girls from wanting to know their betrothed. The fear of the ritual intensifies due to the darkness required for it and the lack of witnesses. At the same time, one should say: “Betrothed-mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” It is believed that at this moment the girl sees evil spirits.

The main caution is not to stare at your future spouse. Therefore, when you see your betrothed, you should immediately cover the smaller of the mirrors with a handkerchief (preferably white) and do not forget to say “Forget me!” The betrothed will disappear.

If any kind of fortune telling is not for you, then you can simply limit yourself to recognizing signs. Let's consider the most popular of them, which will be relevant in New Year of the Fire Rooster.

Our ancestors called this holiday Vasily's Day, and paid special attention to signs on the night of January 13th to 14th.

Here are just some of the folk signs. A woman should cook dinner at home and serve pies and buckwheat porridge. According to another sign, on the eve of Vasily’s Day, you should prepare a second (generous) kutya stuffed with lard and meat. The second mandatory dish is already more familiar to modern city dwellers. These are dumplings. They are filled with surprises and predictions.

The following sign will be of interest to gardeners. They are advised to shake off the snow from the trees so that they bear fruit better.

Now you know, how to tell fortunes in the Old New Year. The main rule is respect for ancient rituals.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year arose among Russians, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Georgians, Belarusians, Armenians, Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians and residents of some regions of Switzerland due to the difference in interpretation of holidays by two calendars: Gregorian and Julian.

Old New Year: folk signs

The period of transition from one year to another was considered mystical and was covered with a mass of superstitions. So, according to popular belief, if a man comes to the house first in the morning, the year will be successful, rich and fruitful, and if a woman is a hungry and dry one. Giving a loan on the eve of the New Year means poverty; it was also necessary to pay off all debts so that they would not follow you. It was impossible to enter the new period unforgiven or not forgiven.
The signs also concerned the festive meal. For the Old New Year, they did not cook poultry or fish so that happiness would not fly away or float away, but dishes made from pork, horse meat or beef promised to “bring” offspring and “dig up” good things. Even kutya was cooked at a special time at night, with sayings and incantations. There was no way to throw it away. You must either eat it or give it to birds or animals.

Old New Year: rituals

The evening before the New Year was called Generous . After all, the period of fasting is over, and you can put all the best on the table to attract good luck and harvest next year. According to popular belief, kutya was prepared for the evening meal, but not lean, but generously flavored with lard or cracklings. The whole family cooked dumplings, pies and pancakes with butter.

According to tradition, young people gathered in groups, dressed up, i.e. dressed in festive casings and scrolls, cut out a New Year's star, and decorated it. Sometimes they took a goat with them or dressed the lad in a “horned” costume. With the onset of darkness, with the appearance of the first star in the night sky, young people went home and congratulated their owners on the upcoming New Year. These songs and rhymed poems like ditties were popularly called generous.

Shchedrivkas contained personified animals (cuckoo, swallow, cow, horse), celestial bodies (Moon - mother, Sun - father, small stars - their children). Each congratulatory person received food, drink or money from the hands of the owners.

On ancient New Year's morning, the Orthodox celebrated the feast of St. Basil. The guys went home and “sowed” - sprinkled the floor with grain, saying congratulations. It was believed that this would bring prosperity to the owners of the house.

Old New Year: fortune telling

From January 13 to 14, the period of winter fortune telling continued, and on this day the result was the most reliable. Girls cast spells on their betrotheds, married women cast spells on fate. For example, they took a mirror and went to the intersection. They said, looking into the reflection: “ Betrothed, appear along the road and in the snow" Or they put 4 kings under the pillow to see in a dream what the groom would be like.

In the villages they also used fortune telling on a rooster: they bet grain, water, a mirror and clay. If a bird goes to eat grain, the husband will be rich, to the mirror - a reveler, to clay - poor, to water - a drunkard.

Video: customs and traditions for the old New Year

The Old New Year (on the night of February 13-14) is at its peak. From time immemorial, girls have resorted to various rituals and fortune telling, which help to find out their fate and fulfill their cherished desires.

If you dream of spending this holiday in an interesting and magical way, we offer you several effective rituals that are traditionally performed on the night of the Old New Year.

Ritual for good luck in the new year

Any ritual is just a code for moving to another level in the time spiral - the main thing is to believe in it, but objects for it are not the main thing.

The next ritual needs to be done on the morning of January 13th - we wake up and start making a magic mixture - take a pot and first pour in millet - a handful with your right hand - saying “Let troubles and problems go away”, then a handful of rice with your left hand - saying “Let there be stability in my life and equilibrium".

In the evening, put the mixture of cereals on the festive table or dinner, be sure to pour it into glasses (not necessarily alcohol), raise toasts, and pour the remaining drops into a pot. In the morning 14 go outside and feed the birds with these cereals.

Ritual of attracting love for the Old New Year

This ritual is valid only once a year - on Old New Year.
This is not a love spell, so you should not perform a ritual to bewitch a married man or bring back a former lover. If a man is your Destiny, then he will come to you himself. After the ritual. Now the ritual itself...

On the night of January 14 at 22-23 o'clock, sit at the table in clean, preferably new clothes, with your hair down. Three candles - red, white and gold - are tied together in a bundle with a red thread (the length of the thread is to wrap the thread three times around the left wrist).

Place the candles in a glass (preferably crystal) with water on a round mirror, light it and say: “Power of fire, turn the love of your betrothed towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, clear like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong."
Within a month after the ceremony you will meet your man.

That is, on Valentine's Day - February 14th you will no longer have to give hearts to your virtual lover.
Before performing the ritual, you need to forgive all your exes with whom you are still offended, let go of fears and doubts, complexes about your loneliness. And everything will work out.

Ritual to fulfill a wish in the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, fill your glass! It is not at all necessary to drink alcohol; for example, I can easily make do with ordinary compote.

Blow on the water in the glass (or whatever you have in it) and say your wish out loud or silently. At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and calmly go to bed... and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

Fortune telling by candle flame for the Old New Year

On the eve of the New Year holidays, buy a white candle. On a holiday night, place it in a room where there are no drafts. Light it and watch the flame for 10-15 minutes.
If the flame is quiet and even, then the year will pass quietly and without shocks.

If the flame is bright but begins to flicker frequently, then overall everything will be fine, except for minor minor problems.

If the burning of a candle is accompanied by distinct crackling sounds, it means that the coming year will be filled with stormy affairs, cheerful companies with many funny adventures.

If the flame burns dimly, get ready for a boring life filled with petty vanity.

If the flame burns clearly yellow, there will be a lot of joy.

The Old New Year falls on the night of January 13th to 14th. In Russia, this holiday is also called Vasilyev's evening. The thing is that on this day churches honor St. Basil the Great, who was famous for his miraculous deeds. It is believed that the night of the old New Year is very mysterious and mystical. It falls during Christmas time - a period of various conspiracies, predictions and fortune-telling. On this night, it is customary to tell fortunes using various objects: cards, mirrors, wedding rings, threads, eggs, and so on.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Also, on the old New Year, the Slavs customarily carry out various ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies to attract good luck, wealth, love, beauty, health and well-being. In order to avoid troubles and problems next year, people have many signs and beliefs associated with this mysterious holiday. It was believed that if you make a wish on this mystical night, it will soon come true.

    Folk signs, customs and traditions for the Old New Year

    Generous evening is the name of the Slavic folk holiday, which is celebrated on the eve of the old New Year. From the evening of January 13th, it was customary in every home to prepare generous kutia with the addition of lard and meat. That evening, the housewives tried to prepare the most delicious and best dishes, but the main decoration of the New Year's table was a whole roasted pig. This dish was prepared in honor of Basil the Great, as he was considered the patron saint of pigs. Roast pig symbolized the fertility of livestock and fertile land. From the evening until midnight, there was a tradition in which young girls went to their neighbors' houses and sang songs, thereby wishing them health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year. It was believed that with their songs they also drove away evil spirits and various evil spirits. The holiday itself was usually celebrated on a grand scale. In Rus', all relatives gathered to visit the eldest in the family. They walked in the evening and did not leave until the morning.

    On Generous Evening, anyone could come visit and treat themselves to a pig. In gratitude for the delicious food, guests had to leave money (in any amount) to the owner. The next morning, January 14th, the donated amount had to be taken to the church. It was considered a sin not to donate donated money or pork to the church.

    Early in the morning after New Year's Eve, people tried to get up as early as possible and go to a spring, river or well to wash and get water there. There was a belief that whoever performed this ritual would gain health and vigor for the whole year.

    Also, on the morning of January 14, it was necessary to go out into the yard and shake off the snow from the fruit-bearing trees. This ritual symbolized prosperity and a rich harvest in the coming year.

    There were also money superstitions that said that on the eve of the old New Year one should not lend money. This was done so that next year the family would always have money. It was believed that by borrowing even a small amount, a person himself could become a debtor in the next 12 months.

    Basic signs for the old New Year:

    • counting change in a wallet or pocket means shedding tears all next year;
    • you cannot pronounce the number “thirteen” - this is a bad sign;
    • Taking out the trash on the night of January 13th to 14th means taking happiness and prosperity out of the house;
    • if the sun shines brightly on January 14th, the year promises to be fruitful and prosperous;
    • a quiet clear night on the old New Year - to good luck and happiness in the new year;
    • if New Year's Eve is frosty and all the trees are covered with frost, next year promises to be rich in grain crops;
    • snow falling on the night of the old New Year - to a happy event in the new year;
    • cold, but without precipitation - a lack of mushrooms;
    • blizzard on the old New Year - to a large harvest of nuts;
    • starry night - to the berry harvest;
    • if the stars shine unusually brightly, next year promises to be frosty in winter and very hot in summer;
    • wind blowing from the south - the year will be hot;
    • from the west - next year will be rich in fish and milk;
    • from the east - to an abundance of fruits.

    Rituals for Vasiliev's Day

    One of the main rituals performed on this day is caroling. . The essence of the ritual consists of singing songs and collecting delicious food. That evening the residents went to each other’s windows and doors and caroled (sang songs). It was not customary to kick out those who came empty-handed, and therefore goodies were prepared in advance for the carolers, which were treated to people after the carols they sang. Basically, the songs contained wishes to the owners for happiness, prosperity and abundance of harvest.

    There is also a folk ritual - sowing grains. Early in the morning, children went from house to house and sprinkled their inhabitants with grain, wishing for a good harvest. After this, the children were treated to various sweets or tasty dishes. The grains were collected and stored until spring. These grains were then added to others when sowing spring crops. Also, by the number of grains collected, it was possible to determine which crops would give the largest harvest. Some of these grains were fed to chickens. It was believed that the more actively the chickens pecked them, the more fertile the next year would be.

    Another of the main rituals on Vasily’s Day is the ritual of boiling porridge. They started talking about porridge early in the night. To do this, at two o'clock in the morning, the eldest woman took out the necessary cereals from the barn, and the eldest man in the house brought water from the well. The entire time the stove was heating, the grains and water brought had to stand on the table untouched. It is strictly forbidden to touch water and cereals - this is a bad sign. The owners could discern their future from the cooked porridge. First of all, they examined the pot - if it turned out to be cracked or the porridge had already crawled out of it a little, then this foreshadowed impending troubles for the family. The porridge itself was also examined with close attention. If the pot turned out to be full of tasty and satisfying porridge, then the household would have a happy and fruitful year. But if the porridge turned out to be small or the pot was not completely filled with the dish, then this foreshadowed misfortune in the family.

    On January 14, it was necessary to light three candles and walk around all the rooms of the house clockwise with them. Periodically, while performing this procedure, you need to be baptized.

    There is also a sign for well-being in the home. Early in the morning of January 14, you need to go out onto the threshold, taking an ax with you. Lightly tapping the instrument on the stairs, say the following words: “Life, health, bread.”

    Another ritual performed on the night of the old New Year is the burning of last year’s difficulties and problems. For this ritual, they light a fire and throw all their old clothes into it. At the same time, they immediately put on new things. This ritual is a symbol of the beginning of a new life.

    Basic fortune telling

    On the old New Year, people not only had fun, walked, ate delicious food, dressed up in various masquerade costumes, danced and sang New Year's songs, but also on this night it was customary to tell fortunes. There are various Christmas rituals that are performed on the night of the old New Year. That night, girls performed fortune-telling about their betrothed, fate, future, relationships, desire, and even the gender of their unborn child.

    Basically, fortune telling acted as a fun pastime in a large company. But there were also rituals that could quite seriously answer the question of interest, and they were carried out strictly in complete privacy from everyone.

    In a dream about your betrothed

    For this fortune telling, you can use four kings from a regular deck of cards. It is believed that in a dream the betrothed should come in the form of one of the kings.

    If a girl already has a specific object of sympathy, then only one king of diamonds goes under the pillow. Next, you need to ask a specific question directly related to this young man. In a dream, a girl should receive an answer to her question. The main thing in this fortune telling is to remember your dream and recognize the essence of the answer in it, because dreams are not always remembered and understood correctly.

    Also, with the help of simple fortune telling in a dream, you can find out the name of your future groom. To do this, before going to bed, you need to take several sheets of paper on which you need to write various male names you like. Wrap the leaves into any shape and place them under the pillow. In the morning, by touch, take out the first piece of paper you come across, which will indicate the name of your future spouse.

    With a wedding ring upon request

    For this fortune telling, you need a smooth and even wedding ring without any jewelry or stones. Also for fortune telling you will need water, a candle and a glass with a flat bottom. The ring must be placed in a glass filled with water. Then you need to light a candle and place it near the glass on the left side. Next, at exactly 12:00 at night, you need to look closely at the ring, while thinking about your desire. If you look at the ring for a long time, the water in the glass will become cloudy and various images will begin to appear. These outlines will answer the question of how the dream will be realized. The main thing in this fortune-telling is not only the fulfillment of all the requirements of the ritual, but also the presence of imagination and good imagination.

    There is also another option for fortune telling with a ring. To do this, the girl must throw the ring on the floor, and if it rolls towards the door, then she will soon get married. If a man decided to tell fortunes in this way, and his ring also pointed to the door, then this means that he will have to go on a long business trip or leave home.

    To get married with a thread

    This fortune telling is less serious and more about entertainment. Usually this ritual is performed by several girls who want to get married in the near future. For fortune telling you will need a regular thread and a candle. The thread must be cut into pieces of equal length, and in the meantime the candle must be lit.

    Next, each girl needs to take one thread and simultaneously light them with a candle. Whose thread burns out first is the girl who will get married this year. If the thread burns only to the middle or goes out very quickly, then this girl will not get married in the next twelve months.

    With a mirror on the betrothed

    One of the interesting rituals for the old New Year is fortune telling with a mirror at a crossroads. In order to see the face of the future groom, on the night of January 13th to 14th, a girl must go out to an intersection with a mirror and draw a circle around herself. After this, you need to say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me along the path, and along the white snowball.”

    Having said these words, you need to peer into the mirror for a long time. At this time, you can see a variety of outlines and visions in it, including the image of your betrothed. If the fortune telling fails and something negative appears, then you need to read the “Our Father” prayer and not repeat the ritual again.

    For the future with the help of dumplings

    Since one of the traditional dishes prepared for the old New Year were dumplings, they also became objects of fortune telling. Traditionally, housewives in Rus' prepared dumplings with potatoes, but some of them were filled with filling as a surprise. The essence of fortune telling is that every person who treats himself to dumplings finds out what awaits him in the coming year. When doing fortune telling, they try the first dumpling they come across.

    Prediction for dumplings:

    • beans - to income;
    • bread - the fortuneteller next year will not be deprived of either food or clothing;
    • ring - for an imminent wedding;
    • button - next year the fortuneteller will pamper himself with new clothes;
    • parsley or dill - to excellent health;
    • black threads - next year's vacation does not foretell long trips;
    • white threads - promise a holiday abroad;
    • coin - to wealth and prosperity;
    • bay leaf - portends good luck and success (both in your career and in all other matters).

    Family fortune telling on bread

    To perform this ritual you will need a plate of water and pieces of bread (of different sizes). This fortune telling is performed by the whole family. Each family member should put a piece of bread in a bowl of water. While running a finger through the water, household members say the following words: “Wirl bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate bread and water.”

    In the morning, you need to consider the position of the bread in the water. If all the pieces remain intact and are together, then nothing threatens the family - all household members will be healthy and remain in the same composition. But if a piece of bread floats separately from everyone else, then one of the family members will leave home or die.

    For the child's gender

    For the ritual you need to have a ring, a woolen thread and a needle. First you need to hold the ring in water and thread the thread into the needle. Next, the ring needs to be hung on a thread and slowly lowered near the fortuneteller’s hand.

    A ring rotating in a circle indicates that the girl will give birth to a girl. If the ring moves like a pendulum, then this means the birth of a boy. A stationary ring symbolizes the absence of children in the near future.

    For the future with an egg

    For the ritual you will need a raw chicken egg and a glass of water. First, the fortune teller needs to make a small hole in the egg and pour the white into a glass filled with water. The protein coagulating in a transparent glass will take on various forms, from which you can find out what awaits a person in the future.

    Decoding fortune telling by egg:

    • church - for a wedding;
    • rectangle - symbol of the coffin;
    • ring - for a wedding or wedding;
    • a car or a ship - for a woman it promises the return of her husband from a long business trip, and for a man it foreshadows a long trip;
    • protein lowered to the bottom - to troubles and troubles in the family.

    For girls

    With the help of this fortune telling, a girl can find out about her future husband. To do this, on the night of the old New Year, you need to go to the windows or doors of neighboring houses (apartments). From the conversation you can understand exactly what her future chosen one will be like. Namely:

    • quarrel - the future chosen one may turn out to be a very tough person or even a tyrant;
    • laughter - the spouse will be an open and cheerful person;
    • drinking and partying - the future husband will have an addiction to alcoholic beverages.

    Today, few people remember ancient Russian customs, rituals, signs and fortune telling for the old New Year. But some of them have survived to this day, just slightly modified. Returning to their original Russian traditions, people pass on the mystery of the ancient holiday from generation to generation.

According to the Orthodox calendar, January 13 is the day of remembrance of St. Melania (Melanka), January 14 is the day of St. Basil the Great. Therefore, people call the night from January 13 to 14 the meeting of Vasily with Melanka. According to ancient tradition, the “generous” Vasiliev’s evening was celebrated on New Year’s Eve. On this day it was customary to set the table richly and generously. Pork dishes were especially prized because Saint Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers.

For New Year's dinner, as at Christmas, it is customary for the whole family to sit down. It is very important that clothes on this day are thoroughly washed and clean. After dinner, it was customary to go to neighbors and ask each other for forgiveness for possible guilt towards each other, in order to celebrate the New Year in peace and harmony.

If on Christmas they carol - they go from house to house and sing ritual carol songs, which tell about the birth of the son of God, then on the Old New Year, on Generous Evening, they are generous - they sing ritual songs of generosity, in which they wish the owners of the house all the best and prosperity in the new year.

It is believed that the sowing ritual came to us from pre-Christian times, because our ancestors celebrated the New Year not in winter, but in spring, and therefore the sowing ritual is associated with hopes for a good harvest.

By the way, you cannot throw away grain scattered by planters - in villages, for example, grains are carefully collected, stored until spring and mixed with other seeds when sowing spring crops.

Folk signs for the Old New Year

If on the night of Vasily the sky is clear and starry, there will be a rich harvest of berries.

A snowstorm on Vasilyev's evening means a big harvest of nuts.

Fog on Vasily's day - for the harvest.

On January 14, gardeners are advised to shake their fruit trees, because Saint Basil the Great, according to popular belief, also protects gardens from worms and pests. On the morning of January 14, you need to walk through the garden with the words of an ancient conspiracy: “As I shake off (name) the white fluffy snow, so Saint Basil will shake off every worm-reptile in the spring!”

old New Year, as you know, falls on Christmas time - which means it’s time to guess.

The Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, thereby paying “debt” to the Julian calendar, according to which the Russian Orthodox Church still lives, which celebrated Christmas a week ago.

And after Christmas and before Epiphany (January 19) in Rus', as you know, Christmastide came, when it was believed that evil spirits could play a little prank and take a walk. And on holy days, despite the disapproving attitude of Orthodox priests towards such amusements, young people, and even respectable family people, were not averse to looking into the future with the help of completely innocent fortune-telling.

Fortune telling by threads.

This is fortune telling for a quick marriage. The girls set fire to lowered threads of the same length: those who go out immediately - sit in the girls, those who burn out the fastest - will soon be married.

Fortune telling by bags.

They put different “fillings” in small bags or socks, and whoever pulls out blindly - that fate awaits him: ash - black life, sugar - sweet life, onion - tears, ring - marriage, glass - drunkenness, coin - wealth, etc. d.

Fortune telling for the betrothed by the ring.

Throw a ring into a glass of water and with the words “My betrothed, appear to me in disguise,” look carefully at the very center of the ring - this way you can see your betrothed.

Fortune telling by frozen water.

Place the wedding ring in water and expose it to frost. How many hillocks there are on the ice surface - so many suitors will be wooed, and if everything is flat, you will have to linger in the girls. Well, if a woman is already married, then you can find out how many boys will be born by the tubercles, and how many girls will be born by the dents.

Fortune telling by chain.

Take the chain and at midnight, clenching it in your fist, throw it on the table. Based on the resulting figure, figure out your future. Circle and oval - there are many difficulties ahead, but a straight line, triangles and rectangles - this means good luck in business. The bow is for love, the letter is the letter the betrothed’s name will begin with. The snake is the machinations of an insidious envious woman. But the knot is not good at all.

Fortune telling by name.

In the evening, they write different names on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow. In the morning, without looking, they pull out one - that’s the betrothed’s name.