Drawing of crystal druses. Natural stones are unique treasures of the earth. Gems according to the zodiac for spiritual development

The best friends of any home are the mineral druses, especially the amethyst druses. A druse is a set of small crystals fused together. The base for such a bizarre composition is the rock to which they are all “stuck.” In other words, these are crystalline growths that have one common base, a substrate. In nature, the most common clusters of rock crystal, quartz, and amethyst are found. Amethyst druse is the same quartz, only purple in color, with a blue tint allowed.

Its shades can be different: both dark, pale pink amethyst and cherry blue. By the way, pink stone is quite a rare occurrence. Although it is very beautiful, transparent, delicate. Pink amethyst can compete with other stones in this range: sapphire, topaz, tourmaline and others. The color of amethyst depends on how much iron it contains. The stone has unusual properties. It brightens in the sun. And if you heat it to a temperature of 200° C, it will no longer be lilac, but yellow amethyst. It will cool down and turn lavender and purple again. How do you know if the stone is natural or artificial? You need to put it in a container of water. Real amethyst will become colorless around the edges.

Amethyst druse: magical properties

Raw amethyst can help a person gain wisdom, open up new opportunities, and develop additional abilities. To double the power, you can not only wear jewelry made from this stone. You can also keep raw amethyst in your home. This is the amethyst druse. It can also be called a brush. Such an accumulation of stones near a person will help him improve the surrounding space. And jewelry made from stones does not need to be hidden in a far corner, you need to keep them in sight. In this case, they will also work for the benefit of their owner.

There is no better stone for meditation than amethyst. Before an important event, you need to look at it for a long time. This will help you concentrate better, prioritize, and filter out important information. This gem has a unique property: it can absorb information and then share it generously. After such a session of communication with the stone, what previously seemed important and insoluble will now turn out to be a trifle. Amethyst druse is the protector of the home. It will protect the family nest from negativity and evil thoughts, and will help create harmony in the family. If several amethysts are placed on a table next to a laptop or computer, the dangerous radiation will decrease. If there is an alcoholic in the family, you should definitely keep an amethyst druse in the house.

If you translate the name of the stone from ancient Greek into Russian, it will mean “not drunk.” These stones have the gift of protecting people from drunkenness.

Amethyst is also a talisman against adultery. For this quality it is even called the “widow’s stone.” But there is no need to be afraid of such a gloomy name. It was so called because it symbolizes eternal love. It is a sign of eternal love and fidelity. It was worn by people who had lost their soulmate as a sign of devotion to past feelings. It is even believed that amethyst has love spell functions.

If a person wants to make someone fall in love with him, he can give the desired object jewelry with an amethyst. It is sometimes dangerous to accept such gifts. But in general, the stone is considered virtuous and peace-loving.

Geode: features and impact on humans

The geode has similar powers to the druse. This is a cavity in the rock shaped like a circle or oval. Its voids inside are also filled with “clumped” minerals. The size of such bowls with crystals can be small or reach several meters. Thanks to the shape of the bowl, the energy of the crystals is collected inside, purified and then released into the surrounding space.

Unlike druse, geode has a softer energy. Shamans use such vases with minerals in their work. With their help they receive knowledge and data of consciousness. If you place amethyst geodes in your home on the four cardinal points, they will enhance your intuition and protect against bad energy. Also, these clusters of gems help get rid of bad habits, enhance spiritual growth, and have a positive effect on people with negative tendencies. Everyone should have a geode at home and at work. She is able to protect the child as well. You just need him to choose it himself. The geode is charged from the light of the sun, moon or candle.

Properties of amethyst

Some stones cannot be worn constantly. This does not apply to amethyst. Only with regular use is it able to positively influence its owner. But we must not forget that the stone easily absorbs all information, including negative information. After quarrels with loved ones or problems at work, it is better to rinse amethyst in cold water. He will give her all the negativity and will not then broadcast it to the owner.

Amethyst properties:

  1. The stone drives away nightmares. At night, under your pillow, it will relieve insomnia and help you see only pleasant dreams.
  2. If you apply it to your forehead, your head will stop hurting and your migraine will go away.
  3. The stone helps you tune into a positive mood, find peace of mind, and calm your nerves. All this will have a positive effect on your overall health. It's no secret that all diseases come from nerves.
  4. In ancient times, amethyst jewelry was worn when there were outbreaks of infections. People believed in the ability of the stone to stop the epidemic and protect the owner from the disease. Healers gave amethyst water to the sick. This drink helped bring down the temperature and remove inflammation.
  5. Today, lithotherapists believe that this mineral improves blood supply to the brain and treats depression and apathy.
  6. And if you drink the water in which the amethyst was lying, you can even heal the kidneys, liver, cleanse blood vessels and fight colds.
  7. Amethyst helps restore memory, eliminates skin problems and wrinkles, removes skin pigmentation and freckles.

Ural amethyst

Amethyst is a jewelry stone. This stone is great for both women and men. Women's jewelry with amethyst can be anything: earrings, brooches, rings, beads, pendants. Rings are most often made from amethyst for men.

Black amethyst is best suited for such a signet. It is mined in Uruguay. It is considered rare and therefore valuable. In addition, it has powerful healing powers.

Clears the space around the owner, relieves stress, gives self-confidence and courage. It will heal a wounded heart, help you find new love feelings, and calm your nerves.

Both silver and gold jewelry look good with amethyst of any color.

Depending on the precious metal with which it is framed, the properties of the stone change. Silver products with this gem will help to establish friendship, business connections, and self-sufficiency. Women who dream of children will be able to get pregnant, men will be able to make peace with their spouse. If you wear gold jewelry with amethyst, it will bring the human body to energy balance.

It is believed that an amethyst ring will strengthen the immune system, and earrings will restore good vision. You need to buy jewelry with amethyst, if only to protect your descendants, save them from adversity, and give them happiness. Amethyst, which is inherited, is considered stronger than ordinary one.

It preserves the spirit of the past owners - the values ​​of the family will only strengthen. Astrologers do not advise wearing jewelry with amethyst to those born under the sign of Taurus or Leo. Other zodiac signs can use it without fear. Aquarius, Gemini, Libra should definitely wear this stone. Amethyst is mined in Brazil, Uruguay, and Russia. Ural amethyst is considered the best. Experts say that it is very difficult for stones from other deposits to compete with Ural gems. They are primarily valued for their purple-red hue.

It is known that amethyst is the imperial stone. Russian Tsarina Irina Godunova wore a crown with large purple amethysts.

During the natural processes of formation of the earth's crust or rock formations, spherical cavities are formed. In scientific language they are called geodes (from the Greek “geoda” - similar to earth).

In mineral mines, the internal cavity of the geode is filled with layers or crystals of gems, for which such formations are valued by jewelers and collectors.

Most often, geodes form in sedimentary rocks or limestone. This is due to the mechanism of their formation:

  1. Under the influence of volcanic processes, cracks or cavities of rounded shapes constantly form in the bowels of the earth. The outer wall of such nodules may consist of silica, quartz, chalcedony, agate or.
  2. The structure is durable, but has small cracks.
  3. Groundwater flowing through such a cavity leaves a sediment of mineral salts.
  4. When a high concentration of minerals in the sediment is reached, crystallization begins.
  5. The large free space of the geode does not prevent the growth of crystals until they completely fill it.

The amethyst geode is especially famous for its beauty, from which both figurines and jewelry are made in Brazil and Uruguay. Due to the largest reserves of amethyst, geodes larger than a man are also found there.

What is a druse

A druse is an accreted aggregate of crystallized minerals(translated from German as “brush”). This name was given for the similarity of the shape of the crystals connected in a chaotic order in the cavity of the sphere with bristles.

The direction of the tops of the stones can also be oriented in one direction, then the nugget looks very impressive.

Even the fusion of just 2 gems together is equivalent to druses, and their size can be no more than a few millimeters.

Types of drusen

By composition crystals and the base on which they rest, druses are classified as follows:

  1. One-component. The formation of crystals occurs on a mineral of a similar composition. For example, lime spar stones grow on a base of the same spar, which has a granular structure.
  2. Multicomponent. The crystal is formed by one mineral, and the layer on which it is fixed is formed by another. Thus, quartz druse often forms on gold ore.

By form:

  1. Straight when the base has no irregularities.
  2. Curved, as in spherical cavities.
  3. A drusen is called a flower when the crystals grow from the center to the periphery of the cavity.
  4. A brush is a druse made up of small crystals growing in a vertical plane.

The size of a drusen can be either miniature - a few millimeters - or large.

Interesting! The largest druse is more than 2 m high and consists of rock crystal. Such an exhibit is kept in the Mining Museum of St. Petersburg.

Differences between a geode and a druse

In mineralogy, geodes are any cavities in a rock filled with a mineral. The formation of such a formation is called secretion, since most often the gems penetrate into the rock, seeping through the walls along with water.

The mineral components inside the geode can either crystallize or be layered on the walls. The combined pattern of a layered pattern on the walls and crystals in the center looks beautiful.

Unlike druses, geodes are always multicomponent. The cavity itself is formed by the rock due to ruptures, cracks or solidification of gas bubbles. And minerals get inside when the geode comes into contact with groundwater, which brings with it microparticles of gems.

If a mineral crystallizes inside a closed cavity, then the formation will no longer be called a druse, but a geode.

Types of Geodes

Geologists distinguish between types of geodes depending on the mechanism of crystallization of minerals:

  1. Recrystallized geodes. Their peculiarity is that under the influence of changing external conditions, already formed crystals dissolve. This solution is washed with thermal waters to remove excess impurities. Then the drusen begins to crystallize again from the concentrate. As a result, the body of the mineral turns out to be transparent, without suspensions or inclusions.
  2. Limonite. Formed in iron ore rock. In cavities or cracks, when water enters, oxidative processes occur that form geodes.
  3. Silica. Found in quartz limestone cavities. Most often it forms a druse - a brush of gemstones.
  4. Metosomatic geodes. A subject of study for scientists, as they represent the process of replacing one mineral with another inside a cavity.
  5. Ferromanganese. A promising object of study, as they are located on the ocean floor.

By size, geodes less than 1 cm are distinguished - tonsils.

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Shape and color scheme

The color of a geode depends entirely on the composition of the minerals that form it. Layered gems are more often found with alternating red-brown and white-gray layers. The pastel range is represented by blue and pink shades. Geodes with yellow-green citrine, purple amethyst, or smoky quartz are often found.

Important! Too intense coloring of a stone should raise doubts about its authenticity. Sometimes common geodes made of colorless minerals are tinted and passed off as expensive gems.

The spherical shape of geodes is the least common in nature, but it is the one that is most valued. The crystals in it are arranged radially in the form of rays and can consist of celestine, calcite, gypsum or marcasite.

Extraction and processing

If the extraction of solid stones occurs on an industrial scale, then the discovery of druses often becomes a matter of amateurs. Searchers manually reseed rocks in already explored mines and river soils and rely only on their intuition and experience. Their finds are often small in size, and there are not always already formed druses inside.

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In Russia, quartz geodes have decorative value. They contain agate, chalcedony, or hematite. Most of them are found in northern Asia and the Urals.

Interesting! In the local dialect of the Urals, geodes are called “znoryshki”. The druses in them most often consist of rock crystal.

The meticulous work of finding geodes is only a small part compared to further processing. The plaque covering the cavity is in most cases removed by long soaking in concentrated acids. Next, you need to be able to saw the geode in the correct place without destroying the tops of the crystals or displacing the center of the cavity.

Legends and myths

Over the centuries-old history of gems, their properties have been shrouded in many myths and legends.

Smoky quartz druses were considered the most powerful dark amulet in ancient times. Black magic rituals were carried out after receiving energy from this stone, and oracles used them to look into the future.

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All Druze, regardless of composition, are credited with the magical property of giving harmony. Symbolically, they are a positive example of the interaction of many individual elements forming a single whole. In the house, such a figurine is placed in the most visible place, purifying energy flows from negativity.

It is believed that charging the mineral with sunlight during the day and moonlight at night can attract wealth to the home. Just remember that ultraviolet rays discolor minerals.

Mystical properties of druzes

The magical properties of druse are determined by its composition.

For example, amethyst druse reduces anxiety, fights depression and loss of strength, frees a person’s thoughts from negativity and cleanses his living space of bad energy.

They protect the owner from the influence of enemies, energy vampires. They are chosen if the work involves communicating with a large number of people. Suitable as a talisman for small children.

They are considered stronger than a single stone, due to the preservation of its natural shape.

They concentrate a large amount of energy. It is believed that if you shout your wish into such a cavity, it will definitely come true.

Charms and jewelry made from druzes and geodes

Geodes with semi-precious stone crystals are used by jewelers to make jewelry. Large nuggets are valuable to collectors, and the largest specimens are displayed as exhibits in mineralogy museums.

Jewelry made from natural stone druses is valued for the natural shape of the crystals, so the processing of such a find is very careful. They are only framed in metal to make jewelry. Tonsils (geodes less than 1 cm) are first sawn in half.

Video about the magical and healing properties of mineral geodes:

Among all the wonders of nature, the world of stones and minerals is distinguished by its fantastic diversity and harmony of color and shape. Perfection contrasts with fragility, and the geometry of the forms can bewitching. Nature is the most talented artist, her works are priceless, they are endowed with ancient energy, strength and divine beauty. The world of stones is represented by thousands of types of shapes and colors. And the structure of a mineral can often only be seen under a microscope, since crystalline formations are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye.

The variety of crystals is as great as the variety of human faces. Like us, crystals have not only an individual appearance, but also internal energy. Each stone has its own character and strength. The color of minerals is diverse and changeable, this is primarily due to the inclusion of various elements in the crystal lattice. Each mineral is formed as a result of synthesis, which occurs according to the strict laws of physics and chemistry.

The imagination of nature gives crystals bizarre shapes, be it a bunch of Mesolithic stems, a sandy rose of gypsum, a mysterious labyrinth of bismuth, or a whole universe inside an agate geode. It's no surprise that these treasures become coveted collectibles. In this matter, I was no exception. My set of minerals can hardly be called a collection, but it contains stones that are dear to me, which have been with me for a long time, feeding me with strength and inspiration.

And today I would like to talk about the main and most common types of crystals: druses, geodes and single crystals.

Druze(translated from German druse means "brush")
- this is a lot of fused crystals. However, not all crystalline intergrowths are considered druses. Drusen are usually understood as fused crystals, randomly located on one base. The size and number of crystals in a drusen may vary. For example, a druse whose crystal size is several millimeters is called brush. A druse with a flat base and crystals directed to the sides from the center is called flower. Such formations line the walls of voids, grow on the walls of cracks and are found in open rock cavities. Aggregates in the form of druses of crystals are characteristic of many minerals - quartz, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, barite, feldspars, garnets, etc.

Druze in a more global sense is a set of crystals coexisting together in harmony and peace. This is the personification of a developed society, where each member is unique and perfect, but they all live on a common basis, solving common problems. Each crystal influences its neighbors both with its own energy and that which it received from its loved ones. By charging each other, druzy crystals emit powerful energy into the surrounding space. Drusen are great for cleaning a room because they absorb, transform and radiate energy.

Geode(from Greek geodes, which means “earthy”, “earth-like”)
- These are geological formations, voids in rocks, the walls of which are usually lined with druses of crystals or spherulitic structures. A geode can have any shape, but more often it is round or ellipsoidal. Their sizes can range from several millimeters to several meters. The largest geodes can reach a size of more than 1 meter and are called caves. Small ones, less than 1 cm in size are called tonsils. Geodes consisting of minerals of the quartz group (amethyst, rock crystal, agate, citrine, chalcedony, etc.) are especially common, but they are also typical for many other minerals deposited in voids. The largest amethyst geode (Empress of Uruguay) weighs 2.5 tons and is more than 3 meters in size.

Due to their round shape, geodes collect energy inward, structure, purify and radiate it outward through crystals. Due to the concave shape and multiple crystals, the energy is amplified, but unlike single crystals and druses, it is emitted more softly. Geodes are considered shamanic stones and are used to obtain visions and enter altered states. A geode is great not only for decorating your home, but also for clearing a space of negative energy. Like druses, geodes can and should be charged with the energy of the sun, moon or candle (fire).

- This is a separate homogeneous crystal having a continuous crystal lattice. The external shape of a single crystal is determined by its lattice and the conditions (mainly speed and uniformity) of crystallization. A slowly grown single crystal almost always acquires a well-defined natural cut. And at a high crystallization rate, instead of a single crystal, homogeneous polycrystals (or crystal grains) are formed, consisting of many small single crystals. Examples of faceted natural single crystals include single crystals of quartz, rock salt, Iceland spar, diamond, topaz, fluorite, etc.

Monocrystals are excellent concentrators, conductors and energy converters. Double-ended single crystals, unlike crystals with one vertex, can simultaneously conduct energy in both directions. In lithotherapy, single crystals are used to restore energy channels, to clearly direct the energy of the stone to certain organs. Monocrystals are able to remove negative energy and at the same time fill it with new positive energy. They are great for restoring and structuring the personality, unifying consciousness and spirit.