School discipline. What is discipline and why is it needed? Message about discipline at school

MBOU "Purdoshanskaya Secondary School"

Report at the teachers' council:"Discipline"

Prepared by Samsonkina T.N.

Discipline– this is the process of learning rules and skills that allow the child to control himself; action of the teacher aimed at creating the necessary form of student behavior.

Reasons for lack of discipline in children:
Parenting is two extremes: parents are too soft on their children or they don’t care about them.
The teacher has no authority among children.
General connivance: no one cares, no one has the desire to establish discipline.
Children do not have positive experience of how to behave in a disciplined manner.
Unmet physical and mental needs.

How to maintain discipline:

1. Prevention is easier than cure:
External conditions - the room must satisfy hygienic requirements (extraneous noise, distractions, wall painting, lighting, air, heating)
The teacher must enforce discipline.
From the very beginning, the child must be familiar with the rules of behavior in the lesson.

2. Use of verbal and non-verbal means:
Approach the offender.
Physical contact (touch on the shoulder).
Ask about the reason for this behavior.
“Thank you for calming down now” - get ahead of events.
Involve in the lesson, give an individual task.
Remove what caused the bad behavior.
Talk about your expectations for their behavior.

3. What not to use:
You should not demand from a child what, due to his age, he cannot do.
Using sarcasm, ridicule and shaming of a child - this is directed against the personality, not against the behavior - does not achieve results and greatly undermines the relationship between teacher and student.
The punishment must correspond to the offense - do not use cruelty.
Showing who is the strongest here is a very short-lived effect and deprives the child of love for you.
A threat is something that is not carried out never has an effect, and something that is not carried out after the first time also does not take effect the first time.
Screaming - next time, until you scream, no one will pay attention to you - deprives the child of a sense of respect for you. Often, a student in a lesson is the object of pedagogical influence and, therefore, a passive participant in the lesson. But the child has a desire to express himself, often this manifestation is perceived by teachers as a violation of behavior and discipline. Today in our lesson we will look at this problem.

The issues of instilling conscious discipline in our school are becoming extremely important, because discipline is one of the most necessary and mandatory conditions for learning. Without discipline, without disciplining students, it is impossible to properly structure the educational process.

Let's compare your definitions with those found in the works of famous teachers.

Discipline in the common understanding is obedience, submission to orders.

    Discipline is submission. The student is required to maintain discipline. But for what? So that the teacher can teach, so that the class and each student individually work - learn and move forward. This means that the ultimate meaning of discipline is not in obedience, but in work, in the performance of the class and the student.

    Discipline is not obedience, but ability to work, concentration on work.

A disciplined class is not one where everyone sits, afraid to move under fear of being shouted at or punished, but one that works in class. Everyone is working. Everyone is busy - listening to the teacher’s explanations, discussing problems together or in groups, solving problems, conducting experiments. Everyone works with a certain amount of effort and is therefore productive. A group's discipline is measured by its productivity and nothing else.

Discipline of students in the classroom is a high business spirit when completing the teacher’s educational assignments. Genuine discipline of students is characterized by their good emotional mood, internal concentration, but not constraint. This is order, but not for the sake of order itself, but for the sake of creating conditions for fruitful educational work.

In preparation for the seminar, we conducted a survey among students in grades 6-11 and teachers. The study involved ...... students from 58 (.....% surveyed) and ...... teachers.

Students were asked to answer only three questions:

1 question: In what subjects do students in your class violate discipline?

Question 2: What, in your opinion, are the reasons for violation of discipline in these subjects?

Question 3: How do teachers maintain discipline in these lessons?

These questions allowed us to find out what often happens behind closed classroom doors during the educational process.

Teachers were also asked to answer three questions.

Question 1: Do you have problems with discipline in class (name the class)

Question 2: What are the reasons for violation of discipline in your lessons?

Question 3: What methods do you use to establish discipline in the classroom?

As a result of analyzing student questionnaires, we received a sad picture. Violations of discipline in the classroom were noted by students of all classes. Let's look at the numbers:

In the 6th grade of such subjects -

In the 7th grade -

In 8th grade -

In 9th grade -

In 10th grade -

In 11th grade -

The students very specifically indicated that our teachers have problems maintaining discipline in the classroom. Moreover, some subjects were repeated by students in each class. For example, 7 (where teenage children study, and they experience a sharp change in mood and behavior), and graduating classes (9,11) are of particular concern.

What did the teacher survey show? ..... school teachers admitted that they face disciplinary problems in the classroom, but only in one specific class. Based on the analysis of the answers of students and teachers to the first question, we can conclude that not everything is fine with discipline in the classroom, and in school in general.

Most frequently repeated reasons:

Not all students are busy in class

The spoiling of some students

Students know that they are allowed everything in the lesson, they know that the teacher will forgive anyway

Weak control over discipline in the classroom by the teacher

There are ringleaders in the class

According to teachers, violation of discipline in ..... classes is due to the adaptation period. Children get used to new teachers, new

The students tried to show in their questionnaire the dependence of discipline in the lesson on the behavior of the teacher and students.

How do teachers resolve the issue of discipline? Both students and teachers at the school answered this question.

When analyzing the questionnaires, students were struck by the abundance of methods used by teachers to maintain discipline. Students often mentioned, sadly, raising their voices and shouting. But this technique is highly appreciated by the children. Apparently, noise effects predominate in our school. There are also cases of giving bad marks for behavior (this method, in our opinion, can only be used in cases of helplessness). Most students wrote in the questionnaire that the teacher uses verbal threats in class such as “now I’ll give you a two,” “I won’t give you a good grade for the quarter,” etc.

But this is not the entire arsenal of methods used by school teachers. Teachers use the following methods:

They give you independent work and force you to study paragraphs of the textbook on your own.

Calling the class teacher in class

Make comments orally

They give unsatisfactory grades

They are afraid that they will call the head teacher or director

They promise to talk to their parents, but they don’t keep their word.

They ask you to get up and leave the office

Open the door to the corridor

They promise to increase the amount of homework, but they don’t keep their word

Waiting for the students to calm down

They sit on a bench (in physical education)

They scold you and don’t let you work (at work)

Many "yell"

There are no cases of assault.

Let us turn to the methods of maintaining discipline in the classroom, named by the teachers themselves:

The school teachers named, in our opinion, traditional methods. Basically these are: conversations, persuasion, comments in the diary, raising the voice, threats, moralizing in class.

After analyzing student and teacher questionnaires, we thought about the question: “Why do teachers at our school have problems with discipline?” And we found several reasons for this.

First reason is that teachers are afraid to admit to themselves that they cannot manage the classroom

The second reason - the use of non-pedagogical techniques and techniques from the 50s and 60s to maintain discipline in the classroom. Over the past ten years, significant changes have occurred in education. The requirements for the education of schoolchildren and the requirements for teachers are changing. Our work is judged by the results of the Unified State Examination.

Third reason : shortcomings in the organization of educational work at school. Firstly, in many teachers we often observe a lack of a basic approach to the lesson, lack of organization in the lesson, and a lack of sufficient control over the work. This may be either from inexperience or from loss of taste for teaching.

Fourth reason : There is no discipline system at school. There is a sum of individual techniques, storming, but there is no system that relies on the great pedagogical skill of the entire teaching staff.

It is important that we (educators) present a united front.

Dear Colleagues! The organization of discipline in school is a pressing issue, and it should begin to be resolved by establishing certain requirements for students and teachers, which must be observed by everyone without exception.

In connection with the above, I propose the following decisions of the teachers’ council:

And how to develop it? These questions are on the minds of many people.

Interesting thoughts have been and are being expressed about it by great and not so great personalities:

Acting without rules is the most difficult and most tiring task in this world. Piero Manzoni.

Conscious discipline - isn't this true freedom? N.K. Roerich.

Lack of discipline implies the presence of irresponsibility. Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

Discipline is any dominance of long-term feelings over short-term ones. Evgeny Bagashov.

When the stick ceases to be used, the gingerbread gradually begins to seem unsweetened. Harun Agatsarsky.

Discipline and freedom 4 methods

Discipline is a tool and a way to achieve your goals goals, problem solving, which is associated with exiting, is associated with unpleasant sensations, i.e. works in , .

If discipline becomes a habit, a natural behavior of a person, it allows you to enjoy completed and completed tasks.

It gives a feeling of real freedom when a person consciously chooses discipline as a constant companion in life. Discipline in this case acts as a protection against troubles and surprises, and increases a person’s sense of self-worth.

The main thing is that discipline is a systematic phenomenon in your life, and not a one-time occurrence. Then the desired results will come.

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Publisher: Enlightenment 2015.

Type: Textbook

At the age of fourteen, a student receives a passport, which means that he becomes an adult, able-bodied resident of his state. Consequently, at this age the student can independently sign various contracts. But before you take any action, you still need to know your powers and responsibilities well. During this period, a person already bears full responsibility for his actions, so it is very important to comply with the laws, know and respect them, and be able to protect one’s rights. Bogolyubov's textbook "Social studies for 7th grade" will provide the main topics; after studying them, the student will become a full-fledged and sought-after citizen of his society. He will have to make rational decisions, learn the secrets of professional success, have the ability to predict the prosperity of his business, only then can he create his own business. The child will understand that to preserve and protect nature means to save his life. This is exactly what will be discussed in the lessons of this direction in the seventh year of study.

When faced with difficulties while doing homework, a student can use GDZ in social studies author Bogolyubov L.N. 7th grade. Ready answers, which are in the collection, will allow the seventh grader to understand all the intricacies of self-organization and legal consciousness, manage his mood, and teach him to perceive the behavior of other people around him accordingly. By using online solver Parents will be able to help their child understand more complex tasks without wasting time searching for information.

What is discipline? We encounter this concept from childhood and throughout our lives. But with age, either someone needs to remind you of discipline or if you know how to organize your life, then there shouldn’t be any problems.

Why is discipline needed throughout life?

There must be discipline in everything. Not only in behavior, but also in attitude towards others, towards your habits and daily activities. This is conscious self-management, where you can properly organize your work. In other words, discipline is the ability to subordinate internal and external actions.

The essence of discipline is to achieve your goals when you organize yourself correctly. In life we ​​encounter many obstacles, such as weakness, stress, fatigue, resistance from people around us, and if you learn to eliminate them correctly, this will help you establish self-discipline.

What is discipline?

  1. Subordination

Controlling your desires and striving to achieve your goals.

  1. Patience

The ability to cope with all difficulties and train your patience without breakdowns or emotional stress. Some problems cannot be eliminated; you need to be able to endure them.

  1. Timeliness

Drawing up an action plan and implementing all points. It's good when you set yourself deadlines for a certain task - it will improve your productivity.

  1. Managing yourself

Overcoming all difficulties to achieve success. You and only you can control your brain and actions.

  1. Pursuit

Constant training and the desire to maintain discipline is the right path to solving many problems.

Discipline is a word that is synonymous with the concept of “order”. The rules of social existence are based on people's understanding of discipline, compliance with special requirements, norms and legal provisions.

What is discipline?

Grade 7 Social Studies suggests looking at the term from different angles, which is why there are several definitions of the concept. Discipline is:

  • compliance with certain rules established in society (group, team);
  • the order that was required to be observed in society: the rules of morality and law;
  • the requirements underlying the code of professional relations of a particular organization;
  • the boundary that separates the norm from the offense.

V. Dahl gives his interpretation of discipline. He considers the concept only military: the order of subordination of one rank to another, obedience and strict obedience.

Discipline changes people's behavior, introduces order and a system of control over their actions and actions.

Types of disciplines

Scientists divide the discipline into 2 large groups: mandatory and special.

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  • Mandatory . This discipline is a set or system of rules for government agencies and organizations. They must be observed by officials, government officials, and ordinary citizens.
  • Special . Its rules apply only to a specific team. School, army, production - impose their own special requirements of discipline on people's behavior.

There are many special disciplines. Some of them are discussed at school.

  • Military discipline . These are rules based on the greatest rigor of execution. All norms are approved in the Charter. Laws and requirements cannot be discussed or changed at one’s discretion; they are simply carried out unquestioningly. The oath and order are not changeable. Military and state secrets are protected and become one of the requirements of military discipline.
  • Labor discipline . These are the rules of labor activity, relations in the production team. Standards for working hours, rest periods, and the beginning and end of the working day are established here. This type is enshrined in labor laws. But each specific work collective, on the basis of the Law, develops its own labor rules and collective agreements. The rules are prescribed in various instructions.

Violations of military discipline have their own system of punishments, which are not similar to labor offenses, but both lead to damage. The first within the country and a specific sector of the army. The latter cause economic problems.

Classification of discipline

Society requires people to follow rules. Why is discipline needed? Philosophers for many centuries have tried to understand its essence. Their work necessitated the division of the discipline into two more groups:

  • external;
  • internal.

External discipline. This is control by other people. Using the example of school discipline, these are the requirements that the administration and teachers make of students. This type is undergoing changes. You can compare the school rules of the past with the modern state of affairs and make sure that they have become simpler and more democratic. External discipline is fear of punishment. Someone is constantly monitoring her.

Internal discipline - another kind. Here everything happens inside a person. He creates the rules himself, implements them himself, and chooses the punishment for their violation. It is called self-control, self-discipline or consciousness.

Internal discipline educates a person, external discipline does the same, but in its own way. In any case, the term is aimed at society and relationships among people.

What have we learned?

Discipline is necessary for order in society. Its absence leads to unrest, disasters and problems. Types and groups of disciplines, their similarities and differences. How are they related to each other, what is the essence of the concept and its impact on a person.

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